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如何在 react/redux 中绑定到没有状态的文本字段

[英]How to bind to textfields without state in react/redux

I am a bit new to react/redux我对 react/redux 有点陌生

From what I understand state is to be immutable in redux, but when searching for component binding examples I keep seeing things such as据我所知,状态在 redux 中是不可变的,但是在搜索组件绑定示例时,我一直看到诸如


public handleUsernameChange = (event: any) => {
            username: event.target.value

To my understanding this is mutating State.据我所知,这是变异状态。 When I change the binding to use a global instead.当我将绑定更改为使用全局变量时。 In the callbacks the values are being changed and updated, however the UI is not observing these variables.在回调中,值正在更改和更新,但是 UI 没有观察这些变量。

I guess this question is just a sanity check.我想这个问题只是一个健全的检查。 Is this acceptable in redux?这在 redux 中可以接受吗?

Please note I am not using other libraries at the moment请注意我目前没有使用其他库

Code I've tried without using state我在不使用状态的情况下尝试过的代码

   let loginInfomation: ILoginInformation = new LoginInformation;

    public handleUsernameChange = (event: any) => {
          this.loginInfomation.username = event.target.value

Strings are primitive types, and they are immutable by default.字符串是原始类型,默认情况下它们是不可变的。
You want to look out from mutating Objects and Arrays which are reference type.您想注意引用类型的变异对象和数组。

This is OK:还行吧:

let x = 8;
x = 5; // no mutation here

This is considered mutation:这被认为是突变:

let arr = [1,2,3];
arr.push(4); // this is mutating the existing array

So with reference types you can create new Objects or arrays:因此,使用引用类型,您可以创建新的对象或数组:

let arr = [1,2,3];
let arr2 = [...arr, 4]; // creating new array;

You can use a Middleware to add Immutability Checkcheck to your code:您可以使用中间件将Immutability Checkcheck添加到您的代码中:

In your configureStore.js:在您的 configureStore.js 中:

import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import reducers from '../reducers';
import immutableCheckMiddleWare from 'redux-immutable-state-invariant';

export function configureStore(initialState) { 
     return createStore(

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