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[英]how to create chart control in code behind wpf

I have a chart control in xaml everythings work fine but now I want create this chart using code-behind: this is my xaml: 我在xaml中有一个图表控件,一切正常,但现在我想使用代码隐藏功能创建此图表:这是我的xaml:

            Name = "chart"
            DisplayMember = "Date"
            ItemsSource = "{Binding}"
            ValueMember = "Scores" />
</chart:ClusteredColumnChart >

I wrote this code but data not generate 我写了这段代码,但没有生成数据

ClusteredColumnChart chart = new ClusteredColumnChart();
ChartSeries series = new ChartSeries
    DisplayMember = "Date",
    ItemsSource = "{Binding}",
    ValueMember = "Scores"
series.ItemsSource = dt;

What do I miss? 我想念什么?
In my opinion, in xaml codes 3 controls are inside each other 在我看来,在XAML代码中3个控件相互内部

chart:ClusteredColumnChart --> chart:ClusteredColumnChart.Series --> chart:ChartSeries chart:ClusteredColumnChart-> chart:ClusteredColumnChart.Series-> chart:ChartSeries

but in Code-behind I couldnt find this 3 controls and just used 2 controls 但是在后台代码中我找不到这3个控件,而只使用了2个控件

ClusteredColumnChart --> ChartSeries ClusteredColumnChart-> ChartSeries

You can not use "{Binding}" in Code. 您不能在代码中使用“ {Binding}”。

You have to create a Binding using 您必须使用创建绑定

new System.Windows.Data.Binding(...)

see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.data.binding.-ctor?view=netframework-4.7.2 请参阅: https : //docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/api/system.windows.data.binding.-ctor?view=netframework-4.7.2

Update: And to answer your second question: < chart:ClusteredColumnChart.Series > is an attribute not an object. 更新:并回答您的第二个问题:<chart:ClusteredColumnChart.Series>是属性而不是对象。

Update 2: Binding example: 更新2:绑定示例:

var b = new System.Windows.Data.Binding {Source = dt};
series.SetBinding(ChartSeries.ItemsSourceProperty, b);

Or if you want to set the ItemsSource directly just use this without any Bindings: 或者,如果您想直接设置ItemsSource,只需使用它而无需任何绑定:

series.ItemsSource = dt;

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