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[英]Java Send outlook meeting request ical4j

I am trying to send Outlook meeting request with Java. 我正在尝试使用Java发送Outlook会议请求。 When I send in UTC, Outlook adjusts the timezone to client's calendar and shows. 当我发送UTC时,Outlook会将时区调整为客户端的日历并显示。 What should I do to make the client not to adjust automatically to client's timezone? 如何使客户不自动适应客户的时区? Ex.: If I send a meeting for 5PM Pacific to a client who is in Eastern, it should still appear as 5PM in client's calendar. 例如:如果我向东部地区的客户发送太平洋时间下午5点的会议,则该会议仍应在客户日历中显示为下午5点。 My request has: 我的要求有:


If you want an event to appear at the same time of the day, regardless of the timezone of the attendee, you want to use floating time. 如果您希望某个事件在一天的同一时间出现,而不管与会者的时区如何,都希望使用浮动时间。 It is essentially the same syntax, without the final Z. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.5 , eg 它基本上是相同的语法,没有最后的Z。请参见https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.3.5 ,例如


for an event that shall start at 5PM wherever the location of the recipient. 无论接收者身在何处,都应从下午5点开始。

Beware though that this is a really strange thing to do for meetings. 请注意,这对于会议来说确实是一件很奇怪的事情。 If you have an organiser in one time zone and attendees in other timezones on a conference call, they will end up dialing in at different times. 如果您在一个时区中有一个组织者,而在电话会议中在其他时区中有与会者,那么他们最终将在不同时间拨入。 Is this really what you want ? 这真的是您想要的吗?

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