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[英]Split a mathematical expression

I'm separating a string which is a mathematical expression, I want to split every number, operator and parentheses, and send them to an array, this is my code: 我正在分离一个字符串,这是一个数学表达式,我想拆分每个数字,运算符和括号,然后将它们发送到数组,这是我的代码:

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("enter the expression :");
String infija = in.nextLine();
String separate[] = infix.split("(?=[-+*/%()])|(?<=[^-+*/%][-+*/])|(?<=[()])");

but when I enter an expression with m modulus, the code does not separate it. 但是当我输入一个模数为m的表达式时,代码不会将其分开。

For example, entering 例如,输入


the expected result is: 预期结果是:

[(,2, /, 3,), +,(, 2, %, 1,)] 

There's an easier way: 有一种更简单的方法:

String separate[] = infix.split("\\b|(?<=\\D)(?=\\D)");

This splits on word boundary and between non-digits. 这在单词边界和非数字之间分裂。

In regex, a "word" char is any digit, letter or underscore. 在正则表达式中,“单词”字符是任何数字,字母或下划线。 A word boundary is between a word char and a non-word char (and visa versa). 单词边界位于单词char和非单词char之间(反之亦然)。

Test code: 测试代码:


output: 输出:

[2, /, (, 3, +, 2, ), %, 1]

This should do it, 应该这样做

    String myString= "(2/3)+(2%1)";
    String[] result = myString.split("(?<=[-+*/%()])|(?=[-+*/%()])");

output: 输出:

    [(, 2, /, 3, ), +, (, 2, %, 1, )]

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