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[英]randomizing course branching and storing data

I am a newbie to Storyline and eLearning design. 我是Storyline和电子教学设计的新手。 I am a programmer by my previous training. 我是我以前的培训的程序员。

As a final project in my Instructional Design degree, I am planning to build an online course with an integrated controlled experiment on learning styles and built-in assessments. 作为我的教学设计学位的最后一个项目,我计划构建一个在线课程,其中包含有关学习风格和内置评估的综合受控实验。

During the experiment, learners will be randomly assigned different learning styles for the same material. 在实验过程中,将为学习者随机分配相同材料的不同学习方式。

Question: Does any tool provide flexibility to choose randomly study material, may be based on user ID? 问题:是否有任何工具可以根据用户ID提供灵活性来随机选择学习材料?

Moreover, I want to store data after learners pass several assessments. 此外,我想在学习者通过几次评估后存储数据。 Saved data will help to measure retention of the material studied and to evaluate the efficacy of the learning styles. 保存的数据将有助于衡量所研究材料的保留率并评估学习风格的有效性。

Question: Does Storyline provide the flexibility to record data for every learner? 问题:Storyline是否为每个学习者提供了记录数据的灵活性? I will probably need to capture user IDs, type of the material studied, assessment results, and maybe the time it took them to answer questions in the assessment. 我可能需要捕获用户ID,所研究材料的类型,评估结果,以及他们在评估中回答问题所花费的时间。

I am wondering where I can read how to do the above. 我想知道在哪里可以阅读上述内容。

Thanks. 谢谢。 Viktor. 维克托。

Storyline itself is just an instance of the elearning. 故事情节本身只是电子学习的一个实例。 To track user id, type of material, results, time etc you need to launch the content from an LMS, such as Moodle. 要跟踪用户ID,材料类型,结果,时间等,您需要从LMS(例如Moodle)启动内容。 https://moodle.org/ https://moodle.org/

The types of data you mention are normally part of the SCORM data sent to the LMS but are not stored within Storyline itself. 您提到的数据类型通常是发送到LMS的SCORM数据的一部分,但不存储在Storyline本身中。

You have variables which can be assigned to random values. 您具有可以分配给随机值的变量。 Depending on the value, you could then jump to the specific scene with the questions in. 根据值,然后可以跳到带有问题的特定场景。

You can can also use a central question bank and randomise the pull of questions from that. 您也可以使用中央问题库,并从中随机抽取问题。

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