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[英]Python sort list of dictionaries

I have a list of dictionaries: 我有一个词典列表:

AccountValues = [
{'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'FullInit', 'value': '20642.95', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 0.0}, 
{'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'FullMaint', 'value': '21350.54', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 0.0}, 
{'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'NetLiq', 'value': '70976.05', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 100.0} ]

Simple mission per SQL description: Order by portfolio_ref ASC, percent DESC 每个SQL描述的简单任务:按portfolio_ref ASC排序,DESC百分比

What I tried unsuccessfully: 我尝试失败了:

sorted(AccountsValues, key=lambda x: (x[1],-x[4]))

which gives me 这给了我

KeyError: 1

Second attempt: 第二次尝试:

import operator
result = sorted(myAccountsValues, key=itemgetter('percent'))

which fails to sort on percentage. 没有按百分比排序。

You can use dict.__getitem__ or its syntactic sugar [] : 你可以使用dict.__getitem__或其语法糖[]

res = sorted(AccountValues, key=lambda x: (x['portfolio_ref'], -x['percent']))

Remember that dictionaries are not indexable by integers. 请记住,字典不能通过整数编制索引。 Historically (pre-3.6), they are not even ordered. 历史上(3.6之前),它们甚至没有订购。 Even in Python 3.7, you cannot directly extract the n th key or value. 即使在Python 3.7中,也无法直接提取第n个键或值。

Result: 结果:


[{'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'NetLiq', 'value': '70976.05', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 100.0},
 {'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'FullInit', 'value': '20642.95', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 0.0},
 {'portfolio_ref': 1, 'tag': 'FullMaint', 'value': '21350.54', 'currency': 'USD', 'percent': 0.0}]

You just have to combine all the things you did correctly: sort keys as a tuple and the proper way of referencing a dict entry: 您只需要将所有正确组合的东西组合在一起:将键排序为元组以及引用dict条目的正确方法:

>>> sorted(AccountValues, key=lambda x: (x["portfolio_ref"], -x["percent"]))
[{'tag': 'NetLiq', 'portfolio_ref': 1, 'value': '70976.05', 'percent': 100.0, 'currency': 'USD'},
 {'tag': 'FullInit', 'portfolio_ref': 1, 'value': '20642.95', 'percent': 0.0, 'currency': 'USD'},
 {'tag': 'FullMaint', 'portfolio_ref': 1, 'value': '21350.54', 'percent': 0.0, 'currency': 'USD'}]

Better yet, use 更好的是,使用

sorted(AccountValues, key=itemgetter("portfolio_ref", "percent"))

Your first attempt failed because x[1] and x[4] are not valid references into the dictionaries: you have to use the labels you originally gave, not relative positions. 您的第一次尝试失败,因为x[1]x[4]不是对词典的有效引用:您必须使用最初给出的标签,而不是相对位置。

Your second attempt is deficient only because you don't have the secondary sort key. 您的第二次尝试仅仅是因为您没有辅助排序键。

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