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使用Spring RestTemplate,出现错误时如何记录响应?

[英]Using Spring RestTemplate, how can I log the response when there is an error?

Spring RestTemplate could set the errorHandler, which has the methods for handling errors. Spring RestTemplate可以设置errorHandler,它具有处理错误的方法。 I have an error handler like this 我有这样的错误处理程序

try (BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientHttpResponse.getBody()))) {
     final String response = buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));

but it always tell me that the input stream is close. 但是它总是告诉我输入流是关闭的。 Is this a bug or do I missing something? 这是错误还是我错过了什么?

The default error handler of RestTemplate DefaultResponseErrorHandler already reads the response body and sets it in the HttpStatusCodeException object that it throws. RestTemplate的默认错误处理程序DefaultResponseErrorHandler已经读取响应主体,并将其设置在HttpStatusCodeException它抛出对象。

try {
    restTemplate.getForObject("http://...", String.class);
} catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) {
    System.out.println("Received error: " + e.getResponseBodyAsString());

If you want to always log the response body on error without requiring to catch HttpStatusCodeException , you can extend the default error handler. 如果您想始终在错误上记录响应正文而无需捕获HttpStatusCodeException ,则可以扩展默认错误处理程序。

public static class LoggingErrorHandler extends DefaultResponseErrorHandler {
    public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
        try {
        } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) {
            System.out.println("Error response body is " + e.getResponseBodyAsString());
            throw e;

Use the above error handler while instantiating rest template. 在实例化其余模板时使用上面的错误处理程序。

RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.setErrorHandler(new LoggingErrorHandler());
String response = restTemplate.getForObject("http://...", String.class);


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