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[英]Django - how to correctly upload and handle a file?

I have the following model of an apk, the package_name and sdk_version will be taken by parsing the apk file which the user will upload. 我有以下apk模型, package_namesdk_version将通过解析用户将要上传的apk文件来获取。 I also need to save the path of the uploaded file in my model, that's why I used FilePathField , however I'm not sure it's the correct way to handle the task. 我还需要在模型中保存上载文件的路径,这就是为什么我使用FilePathField的原因,但是我不确定这是处理任务的正确方法。 I saw some examples where FileField was used, and it got me confused, when do I use which? 我看到了一些使用FileField的示例,这让我感到困惑,什么时候使用哪个? Another point to make, since a path is just a string, I can save it as Charfield , can't I? 还有一点,由于路径只是一个字符串,我可以将其另存为Charfield ,不是吗?

class Apk(models.Model):

    package_name = models.CharField(max_length=45, unique=True)
    sdk_version = models.CharField(max_length=45, unique=True)
    apk_file = models.FilePathField()

To upload the file I used this guide. 要上传文件,我使用了指南。

views.py: views.py:

def upload_apk(request):

    handle_uploaded_file(request.FILES['file'], str(request.FILES['file']))
    return HttpResponse("Upload Successful")

def handle_uploaded_file(file, filename):
    if not os.path.exists('policies/upload/'):

    with open('policies/upload/' + filename, 'wb+') as destination:
        for chunk in file.chunks():

    apk_path = "/policies/upload/" + filename
    apkf = APK(apk_path)

    package_name = apkf.get_package()
    sdk_version = apkf.get_androidversion_name()

template.html: template.html:

<form id="uploadApkForm" action="{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}uploadApk/" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                            {% csrf_token %}

                            <div class="input-element" style="border:1px solid black; background:white; padding:2px">
                                <input type="file" name="file" style="width:100%" required>
                            <div style="width:100%;">
                                <div style="position: absolute;
                                              left: 50%;
                                              bottom: 0px;
                                              transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
                                              margin: 0 auto;">
                                    <input id="uploadBtn" type="submit" value="Ok" class="btn btn-primary" style="width:75px; margin-right:10px" />
                                    <input id="clsBtn" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" value="Cancel" style="width:75px; "/>

I saw different examples where ModelForm was used, and I'm not sure if my way to upload the file is good. 我看到了使用ModelForm的不同示例,但不确定我上传文件的方式是否正确。 Can you please point out what is the best way to upload a file and save it's path in data base? 您能否指出上载文件并将其路径保存在数据库中的最佳方法是什么?

In my opinion, it is probably easiest to use a FileField . 我认为,使用FileField可能是最简单的。 Using a filefield, it will actually save the file at a specific location, as well as allow you to use the file as an object rather just a simple path. 使用文件字段,它实际上会将文件保存在特定位置,并允许您将文件用作对象,而不仅仅是简单的路径。 With the filefield, it will also give you the ability to access the path. 使用filefield,它也使您能够访问路径。

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