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Rabbit MQ在确认后不只一次提取消息

[英]Rabbit MQ Pulling Message More Than Once After Ack

We are having an odd issue with a Rabbit MQ Implementation. Rabbit MQ实现存在一个奇怪的问题。 We are using Containers to scale a processor. 我们正在使用容器来扩展处理器。 We currently are running 2 containers as a pilot test. 我们目前正在运行2个容器作为试点测试。 It is basic console application that calls a method to Process Messages from the Queue. 它是基本的控制台应用程序,它调用一种方法来处理队列中的消息。

The payload we are processing has a Guid. 我们正在处理的有效载荷有一个Guid。 We are noticing the same Guid being pulled from the Queue multiple times. 我们注意到同一GUID多次从队列中拉出。 Event after an Ack is made on the message. 对消息进行确认后的事件。 This shouldn't be happening from our understanding of rabbit MQ. 根据我们对Rabbit MQ的了解,这不应发生。 It might have to do with our current implementation we are using C# RabbitMQClient Library. 这可能与我们当前使用C#RabbitMQClient库的实现有关。 In addition it could be the use of docker containers for our consumers. 另外,可能是为我们的消费者使用了docker容器。 We haven't been able to reproduce this problem accept in prod. 我们无法在生产中重现此问题。

This is only happening in one container for the Guid. 这只发生在Guid的一个容器中。 So the thought is this isolated to some issue in the actual processor itself. 因此,我们认为这与实际处理器本身中的某些问题无关。 If you need more full logs please ask. 如果您需要更多完整日志,请询问。

Current Architecture 当前架构


A couple of thoughts that or ideas 几个想法或想法

  • Maybe the ack is not reaching fast enough before the next attempt to dequeue the message. 在下一次尝试使消息出队之前,ack的到达速度可能不够快。
  • Something is up with the our implementation that somebody on here can point out. 我们的实现有些问题,这里的人可以指出。 We are trying to build a one queue multiple consumer model to process messages faster. 我们正在尝试建立一个单队列多用户模型以更快地处理消息。

Questions: 问题:

  1. What are the thoughts on implementation for the scenario above fo you experienced rabbit MQ 'ers out there? 如果您在那里经历过兔子MQ的经验,对于上述方案的实现有何想法?
  2. What could be happening? 可能会发生什么? (An Shell of the code with out the calls is below along with the logs of an example) (下面没有示例调用的代码外壳以及示例日志)

public class RabbitMQClient : IQueueClient
private IConnectionFactory _factory;
private IConnection _connection;
private ILoggerClient _logger;
private IWebApiClient _webApiClient;
private string _queueName;
private string _dlqName;
private string _rqName;
private int _maxRetryCount = 0;
private int _expiration = 0;
private decimal _expirationExponent = 0;

public RabbitMQClient(IConfigurationRoot config, ILoggerClient logger, IWebApiClient webApiClient)
    //Setup the ConnectionFactory
    _factory = new ConnectionFactory()
        UserName = config["RabbitMQSettings:Username"],
        Password = config["RabbitMQSettings:Password"],
        VirtualHost = config["RabbitMQSettings:VirtualHost"],
        HostName = config["RabbitMQSettings:HostName"],
        Port = Convert.ToInt32(config["RabbitMQSettings:Port"]),
        AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
        RequestedHeartbeat = 60,
        Ssl = new SslOption()
            ServerName = config["RabbitMQSettings:HostName"],
            Version = SslProtocols.Tls12,
            CertPath = config["RabbitMQSettings:SSLCertPath"],
            CertPassphrase = config["RabbitMQSettings:SSLCertPassphrase"],
            Enabled = true

    _logger = logger;
    _webApiClient = webApiClient;

    _queueName = config["RabbitMQSettings:QueueName"];
    _dlqName = $"{_queueName}.dlq";
    _rqName = $"{_queueName}.rq";
    _maxRetryCount = int.Parse(config["RabbitMQSettings:MessageSettings:MaxRetryCount"]);
    _expiration = int.Parse(config["RabbitMQSettings:MessageSettings:Expiration"]);
    _expirationExponent = decimal.Parse(config["RabbitMQSettings:MessageSettings:ExpirationExponent"]);

public void ProcessMessages()
    using (_connection = _factory.CreateConnection())
        using (var channel = _connection.CreateModel())
             * Create the DLQ.
             * This is where messages will go after the retry limit has been hit.
            channel.ExchangeDeclare(_dlqName, "direct");
            channel.QueueDeclare(_dlqName, true, false, false, null);
            channel.QueueBind(_dlqName, _dlqName, _queueName);

             * Create the main exchange/queue. we need to explicitly declare
             * the exchange so that we can push items back to it from the retry queue
             * once they're expired.
            channel.ExchangeDeclare(_queueName, "direct");
            channel.QueueDeclare(_queueName, true, false, false, new Dictionary<String, Object>
                { "x-dead-letter-exchange", _dlqName }
            channel.QueueBind(_queueName, _queueName, _queueName);

             * Set the DLX of the retry queue to be the original queue
             * This is needed for the exponential backoff
            channel.ExchangeDeclare(_rqName, "direct");
            channel.QueueDeclare(_rqName, true, false, false, new Dictionary<String, Object>
                { "x-dead-letter-exchange", _queueName }
            channel.QueueBind(_rqName, _rqName, _queueName);                    

            channel.BasicQos(0, 1, false);

            Subscription subscription = new Subscription(channel, _queueName, false);

            foreach (BasicDeliverEventArgs e in subscription)
                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                    var payment = (CreditCardPaymentModel)e.Body.DeSerialize(typeof(CreditCardPaymentModel));

                    _logger.EventLog("Payment Dequeued", $"PaymentGuid:{payment.PaymentGuid}");


                    var response = //The Call to the Web API Happens here we will either get a 200 or a 400 from the WebService


                    var elapsedTime = stopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds.ToString();

                    if (response.ResponseStatus == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                        var errorMessage = $"PaymentGuid: {payment.PaymentGuid} | Elapsed Call Time: {elapsedTime} | ResponseStatus: {((int)response.ResponseStatus).ToString()}"
                                           + $"/n ErrorMessage: {response.ResponseErrorMessage}";
                        _logger.EventLog("Payment Not Processed", errorMessage);
                        Retry(e, subscription, errorMessage, payment.PaymentGuid);

                        //All the Responses are making it here. But even after the ACK they are being picked up and processoed again.
                        _logger.EventLog("Payment Processed", $"--- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : {payment.PaymentGuid} | Elapsed Call Time: {elapsedTime} | SourceStore : {payment.SourceStore} | Request Response: {(int)response.ResponseStatus}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Retry(e, subscription, ex.Message);
                    _logger.ErrorLog("Payment Not Processed", ex.ToString(), ErrorLogLevel.ERROR);

    public void Retry(BasicDeliverEventArgs payload, Subscription subscription, string errorMessage, Guid paymentGuid = new Guid())

        if(paymentGuid != Guid.Empty)
            _logger.EventLog("Retry Called", $"Retry on Payment Guid {paymentGuid}");
            _logger.EventLog("Retry Called", errorMessage);

        //Get or set the retryCount of the message
        IDictionary<String, object> headersDict = payload.BasicProperties.Headers ?? new Dictionary<String, object>();
        var retryCount = Convert.ToInt32(headersDict.GetValueOrDefault("x-retry-count"));

        //Check if the retryCount is still less than the max and republish the message
        if (retryCount < _maxRetryCount)
            var originalExpiration = Convert.ToInt32(headersDict.GetValueOrDefault("x-expiration"));
            var newExpiration = Convert.ToInt32(originalExpiration == 0 ? _expiration : originalExpiration * _expirationExponent);

            payload.BasicProperties.Expiration = newExpiration.ToString();
            headersDict["x-expiration"] = newExpiration;
            headersDict["x-retry-count"] = ++retryCount;

            payload.BasicProperties.Headers = headersDict;

            subscription.Model.BasicPublish(_rqName, _queueName, payload.BasicProperties, payload.Body);
        else //Reject the message, which will send it to the DLX / DLQ
            headersDict.Add("x-error-msg", errorMessage);
            payload.BasicProperties.Headers = headersDict;

            subscription.Nack(payload, false, false);
            _logger.ErrorLog("Error", errorMessage, ErrorLogLevel.ERROR);

public static class DictionaryExtensions
    public static TValue GetValueOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dic, TKey key)
        return (dic != null && dic.TryGetValue(key, out TValue result)) ? result : default(TValue);

These are the container logs and what we are seeing. 这些是容器日志以及我们所看到的。 You can see multiple pulls of the same payment guid even though it was successful. 即使成功,您仍可以看到多次提取同一付款guid。

Container 1

EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:32d065a9-57e8-4359-afac-b7339b4904cc
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : 32d065a9-57e8-4359-afac-b7339b4904cc | Elapsed Call Time: 9 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:65ad87a8-4cfe-47e8-863c-88e0c83fcd6f
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : 65ad87a8-4cfe-47e8-863c-88e0c83fcd6f | Elapsed Call Time: 2 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : 5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d | Elapsed Call Time: 2 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : 5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d | Elapsed Call Time: 1 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:dad2616c-924d-4255-ad91-a262e3bcd245
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : dad2616c-924d-4255-ad91-a262e3bcd245 | Elapsed Call Time: 1 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200

Container 2

EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:cb4fcb7a-48a7-422f-86d4-69c881366f05
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : cb4fcb7a-48a7-422f-86d4-69c881366f05 | Elapsed Call Time: 4 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : 5dc2d38f-cbc9-492b-bd41-37531974c66d | Elapsed Call Time: 2 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200
EventName: Payment Dequeued | EventMessage: PaymentGuid:dad2616c-924d-4255-ad91-a262e3bcd245
EventName: Payment Processed | EventMessage: --- Payment Processed - PaymentGuid : dad2616c-924d-4255-ad91-a262e3bcd245 | Elapsed Call Time: 2 | SourceStore : C0222 | Request Response: 200

The Class Publishing the Messages 发布消息的类

public class RabbitMQClient : IQueueClient
    private static ConnectionFactory _factory;
    private static IConnection _connection;
    private static IModel _model;
    private const string QueueName = "AutomaticPaymentQueue";

    private void CreateConnection()
        _factory = new ConnectionFactory();

        //Basic Login Infomration
        _factory.UserName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQUserName"]; ;
        _factory.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQPassword"];
        _factory.VirtualHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQVirtualHost"];
        _factory.Port = Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQPort"]);

        //TLS Settings
        _factory.HostName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQHostName"];
        _factory.Ssl.ServerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQHostName"];

        _factory.Ssl.Version = SslProtocols.Tls12;
        _factory.Ssl.CertPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQSSLCertPath"];
        _factory.Ssl.CertPassphrase = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RabbitMQSSLCertPassphrase"];
        _factory.Ssl.Enabled = true;

        _connection = _factory.CreateConnection();
        _model = _connection.CreateModel();


    public void SendMessage(Payload payload)
        _model.BasicPublish("", "AutomaticPaymentQueue", null, payload.Serialize());

Based on the code you've provided, it looks like the problem is on the producing side. 根据您提供的代码,问题似乎出在生产方面。 That being said, it is best practice to have message processing be an idempotent operation. 话虽如此,使消息处理成为幂等操作是最佳实践。 In fact, a design for idempotency is a critical assumption of almost any external interface (and I would argue it is equally-important in internal interfaces). 实际上,幂等性设计是几乎所有外部接口的关键假设(我认为它在内部接口中同样重要)。

Even if you do manage to find and resolve the problem on the publisher, you should be aware of the fact that this will not guarantee "exactly once" delivery. 即使您确实设法在发布者上找到并解决了问题,您也应该意识到,这将不能保证“恰好一次”交付。 No such guarantee can be made. 无法保证。 Instead, you can have one of two things (being mutually exclusive): 取而代之的是,您可以拥有以下两项之一(互斥):

  • At most once delivery (0 < n <= 1) 最多一次交货(0 <n <= 1)
  • At least once delivery (1 <= n) 至少交货一次(1 <= n)

From the RabbitMQ documentation : RabbitMQ文档中

Use of acknowledgements guarantees at-least-once delivery . 确认的使用保证了至少一次交货 Without acknowledgements, message loss is possible during publish and consume operations and only at-most-once delivery is guaranteed. 如果没有确认,则在发布和使用操作期间可能会丢失消息,并且只能保证一次发送

Several things are happening when messages are published and consumed. 发布和使用消息时发生了几件事。 Because of the asynchronous nature of message handling systems, and the AMQP protocol in particular, there is no way to guarantee exactly once processing while still yielding the performance you would need from a messaging system (essentially, it forces everything through a serial process at the point of de-duplication). 由于消息处理系统(尤其是AMQP协议)的异步特性,因此无法保证在进行一次处理的同时仍能从消息传递系统中获得所需的性能(实际上,它迫使所有操作都通过串行处理)点重复数据删除)。 You have elected to have at least once processing, so your system needs to be designed such that a duplicate is not going to result in an unwanted change of state. 您已选择至少要进行一次处理,因此您的系统需要进行设计,以确保重复不会导致不必要的状态更改。

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