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[英]Pulumi: retrieve kubernetes secret value

I have a service with an inline plaintext config that requires certain information that is stored in Kubernetes secrets. 我有一个带有内联纯文本配置的服务,该服务需要存储在Kubernetes机密中的某些信息。 What @pulumi/kubernetes API method can be used to access raw kubernetes secret values? 什么@pulumi/kubernetes API方法可用于访问原始kubernetes秘密值?

The short answer is that I think it doesn't let you see a secret but use a reference where you want to use it: Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Pods, etc. It would make sense from the security point of view. 简短的答案是,我认为它不会让您看到秘密,而是要在要使用的地方使用参考:部署,StatefulSet,DaemonSet,Pods等。从安全角度来看,这是有意义的。

You can see an example of create a secret here 您可以在此处查看创建秘密的示例

That API looks like it mirrors the Kubernetes API , and in particular there is a core/v1.Secret object that includes the secret data . 该API看起来像是Kubernetes API的镜像,特别是有一个core / v1.Secret对象,其中包含秘密data The values are base64-encoded. 这些值是base64编码的。

(Unless RBAC forbids it, you can generally kubectl get secret -o yaml secretname to see the same thing...Kubernetes secrets are only so secret.) (除非RBAC禁止这样做,否则通常您可以通过kubectl get secret -o yaml secretname来查看相同的内容... Kubernetes密码是如此秘密。)

If you're running this in the context of a service it's probably easier to launch the service with environment variables set from the relevant secret values , using a YAML fragment like 如果您是在服务的上下文中运行此命令,则可能会更方便地使用从相关秘密值设置的环境变量启动服务,例如使用YAML片段

      name: test-secret
      key: username

Use k8s.core.v1.Secret.get(pulumiName, secretName) ( secretName can contain the namespace/ as prefix ). 使用k8s.core.v1.Secret.get(pulumiName, secretName)secretName可以包含namespace/作为前缀 )。

Every Pulumi resource has a get() method . 每个Pulumi资源都有一个get()方法

For example: Get the token from a kubernetes.io/service-account-token : 例如:从kubernetes.io/service-account-token获取token

import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
type KubernetesSecretData = { [key: string]: string }
const namespace = 'kube-public'
const secretName = 'default-token-tdcdz'
export const token =
        .data.apply(v => {
        return (<KubernetesSecretData> v)["token"]

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