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获取 tig 提交的 sha 数

[英]Take sha number of commit by tig

I love to use tig client to navigate through git commits.我喜欢使用tig客户端来浏览 git 提交。

But I'm missing one thing for now.但我现在缺少一件事。

Is there a key binding to take a sha number of a git commit I'm currently staying at?是否有一个键绑定来获取我目前使用的 git 提交的 sha 号?

Check if the command proposed in jonas/tig issue 557 would work for you: 检查在jonas/tig问题557中建议的命令是否对您jonas/tig

bind generic 9 !sh -c "echo -n %(commit) | xclip -selection c && echo Copied %(commit) to clipboard"

That would copy the current commit SHA1 in your clipboard. 这将在剪贴板中复制当前提交SHA1

In the Wiki binding page , you also have example for Mac or Cygwin: Wiki绑定页面中 ,您还拥有Mac或Cygwin的示例:

bind generic 9 !@sh -c "git show -s --format=%s %(commit) | xclip -selection c" # Linux
bind generic 9 !@sh -c "git show -s --format=%s %(commit) | pbcopy" # Mac
bind generic 9 !@sh -c "git show -s --format=%s %(commit) > /dev/clipboard" # Cygwin

The OP megas proposes in the comments to use git rev-parse : OP megas 在评论中建议使用git rev-parse

bind generic 9 !@sh -c "git rev-parse --short %(commit) | pbcopy"


bind generic 9 !@sh -c "printf '%s' %(commit) | pbcopy"

Or, to copy the short sha-1:或者,复制简短的 sha-1:

bind generic 9 !@sh -c "printf '%s' $(git rev-parse --short %(commit)) | pbcopy"

Inspiration source: /tig/doc/tigrc(5) - Bind Command in the exemple section.灵感来源: /tig/doc/tigrc(5) - 示例部分中的绑定命令

Solutions listed in VonC 's answer did not work for me because of a return line in the pasted result (⌘+V). VonC的答案中列出的解决方案对我不起作用,因为粘贴的结果中有返回行 (⌘+V)。 So I was not able to type such command in tig :!git rebase -i [paste_here_hitting_⌘+V]~所以我无法在:!git rebase -i [paste_here_hitting_⌘+V]~输入这样的命令:!git rebase -i [paste_here_hitting_⌘+V]~

To copy the short SHA1 on MacOS (can be easily adapted to other OS):MacOS上复制短 SHA1(可以轻松适应其他操作系统):

bind generic 9 +@sh -c "printf '%s' $(git rev-parse --short %(commit)) | pbcopy && echo Copied %(commit) to clipboard"

As an improvement to other answers, this version prints out a message to the status bar which is nicer to closing the tig UI or having nothing printed out.作为对其他答案的改进,此版本会向状态栏打印一条消息,这对于关闭tig UI 或不打印任何内容更好。 The + option flag enables to do so ( source ). +选项标志可以这样做( source )。 Also no extra newline character at the end like VonC 's answer.最后也没有像VonC的回答那样额外的换行符。

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