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django icontains搜索postgres数据库

[英]django icontains to search postgres database

I currently have a Django application and postgres database. 我目前有一个Django应用程序和postgres数据库。 I want to have a search bar that allows users to enter in a value and it will search some of the fields of the model to search for matching values. 我想要一个允许用户输入值的搜索栏,它将搜索模型的某些字段以搜索匹配的值。 I want this to work even for values of "". 我希望即使对于“”值也可以使用。 I currently have: 我目前有:


How would I make this so that it can search multiple fields of the model at the same time. 我将如何做到这一点,以便它可以同时搜索模型的多个字段。 What is the most efficient way to do so? 这样做最有效的方法是什么? Is "icontains" okay for this? 这样“包含”可以吗?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 任何帮助将不胜感激!

You can use Q to search multiple fields, for example: 您可以使用Q搜索多个字段,例如:

fields that you want to search: 您要搜索的字段:


Django search code: Django搜索代码:

from django.db.models import Q

search_result = MyModel.objects.filter(
    Q(field0_icontains=search_query) |
    Q(field1_icontains=search_query) |

Doing this through regular filter queries and icontains is not advisable as it becomes inefficient pretty quickly - you certainly don't want to be doing that on multiple large text fields. 不建议通过常规的过滤器查询和icontains来执行此操作,因为它很快会变得效率低下-您当然不希望在多个大型文本字段上执行此操作。

However, PostgreSQL comes with a full text search engine which is designed for exactly this purpose. 但是,PostgreSQL附带了一个全文搜索引擎 ,正是出于这个目的而设计的。 Django provides support for this . Django 为此提供支持

You can define a SearchVector to perform full text search on multiple fields at once, eg, : 您可以定义SearchVector以便一次对多个字段执行全文搜索,例如:

from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchVector

    search=SearchVector('field_1') + SearchVector('field_2'),

The documentation I've linked to provides a lot of additional information on how to perform ranking etc. on search results. 我链接到的文档提供了许多有关如何对搜索结果进行排名等其他信息。

Another alternative is to use a search engine like Elasticsearch - whether this is necessary depends on how many objects you have and what kind of filtering and ranking you need to do on results. 另一种选择是使用像Elasticsearch这样的搜索引擎-是否必要取决于您有多少个对象以及需要对结果进行什么样的筛选和排名。

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