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[英]Array element are undefined Javascript

The array elements in Bind are undefined even though there is data in bindInfo. 即使bindInfo中有数据,Bind中的数组元素也是未定义的。 Any suggestions. 有什么建议么。

let bindinfo =
    clientid: 1,
    clientname: 'Web Client',
    nowutc: now_utc,
    bindlist: Bindings(this.props.bindDetails)

    var Bind = [];
    Bind = bin.map(bindItem => {
        var bindInfo;
        bindInfo = {
            bindingid: bindItem.bindId,
            function: bindItem.functionName,
            aggregation: bindItem.aggregation,
            datalimit: bindItem.datalimit
    return Bind;

After the .map operation completes, bind is assigned to the result of the .map - that is, the element returned on each iteration of .map is the new array elemenet. .map操作完成后, bind分配给.map的结果-也就是说, .map每次迭代返回的元素是新数组elemenet。 But you never return anything from the mapper function, so even if you initially push to Bind , your later reassignment of Bind resets it. 但是,您永远不会从mapper函数返回任何内容,因此,即使您最初push Bind ,以后重新分配 Bind也会重置它。

Either use .map properly and return the item on each iteration: 正确使用.map并在每次迭代中返回该项目:

const Bind = bin.map(bindItem => {
  return {
    bindingid: bindItem.bindId,
    function: bindItem.functionName,
    aggregation: bindItem.aggregation,
    datalimit: bindItem.datalimit

Or (not recommended) use forEach rather than .map , and don't reassign Bind : 或者(不建议)使用forEach而不是.map ,并且不要重新分配Bind

const Bind = [];
bin.forEach(bindItem => {
  var bindInfo = {
    bindingid: bindItem.bindId,
    function: bindItem.functionName,
    aggregation: bindItem.aggregation,
    datalimit: bindItem.datalimit

Use .map when you want to transform one array into another through the result of the call of .map . 使用.map当你想通过调用的结果一个数组转换为另一种.map Otherwise, for generic looping, use forEach . 否则,对于通用循环,请使用forEach

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