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Wit.ai Facebook Messenger Chatbot最近未使用Python接收或接收消息

[英]Wit.ai Facebook Messenger Chatbot not receving or receivng messages lately using Python

I'm using the Python example provided here: https://github.com/wit-ai/pywit/blob/master/examples/messenger.py . 我正在使用此处提供的Python示例: https : //github.com/wit-ai/pywit/blob/master/examples/messenger.py I was receiving messages, however lately, a few days ago, but now it doesn't receive messages at all. 我几天前才收到消息,但现在它根本不接收消息。 However, when I try the Nodejs example: https://github.com/wit-ai/node-wit/blob/master/examples/messenger.js that receives messages instantly. 但是,当我尝试Nodejs示例时: https : //github.com/wit-ai/node-wit/blob/master/examples/messenger.js可立即接收消息。 Any thoughts on this? 有什么想法吗?

Though wit.ai is totally free, but seems like there is rate limiting. 尽管wit.ai是完全免费的,但似乎存在速率限制。 May be your app crossed rate limit, and then it stopped responding? 可能是您的应用超出了速率限制,然后它停止了响应? Read more about it here https://wit.ai/faq 在这里阅读更多关于它的信息https://wit.ai/faq

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