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[英]JS: How to hide parent div with multiple nested divs, based on child div's content

Here's the code I'm looking at: 这是我正在查看的代码:

<div class="blotter_workshopitempublished blotter_entry">
    <div class="blotter_author_block">
        <div class="blotter_avatar_holder">
            <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/steam_profile_id">
                <div class="playerAvatar online">
                    <img src="https://steamcdn-a_medium.jpg" data-miniprofile="number">
                <a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/steam_profile_id" data-miniprofile="number">nickname</a>
            added an item to their favorites        </div>

I'd like to hide all occurrences of "blotter_workshopitempublished blotter_entry" based on "steam_profile_id" or "nickname" (one or the other, I don't care, but "id" would be better), which are inside nested divs. 我想隐藏所有基于“ steam_profile_id”或“昵称”(我不在乎,但最好使用“ id”)的“ blotter_workshopitempublished blotter_entry”出现在嵌套div中。

I looked at several other similar questions but still need help; 我看了其他几个类似的问题,但仍然需要帮助。 I'll use this inside a Tampermonkey script. 我将在Tampermonkey脚本中使用它。

Thanks 谢谢

Something like this should help: 这样的事情应该有所帮助:

const blotters = document.querySelectorAll('.blotter_workshopitempublished.blotter_entry');

blotters.forEach(blotter => {
    const id = blotter.querySelector('a').href.split('/').pop();
    if (id === "put whatever id you want to hide in here") {
        blotter.style.display = "none";

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