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[英]Stubbing Protocol return as nil OCMockito

I've tried to stub the protocol method but it return as nil. 我试图对协议方法进行存根处理,但返回的结果为nil。 Please check the following code. 请检查以下代码。

@protocol Client
- (Account* _Nullable) login:(nullable NSString*)username
                                        password:(nonnull NSData*)login;

And I have a object called ClientImplementation that implements Client protocol. 我有一个名为ClientImplementation的对象,该对象实现了Client协议。

In my testcase, I mock the class like this in setup(). 在我的测试用例中,我在setup()中模拟了这样的类。

@property(nonatomic, strong) ClientImplementation<Client> *mockClient;
 self.mockClient =  mockObjectAndProtocol([ClientImplementation class],@protocol(Client));

But when i Stub the method it return as nil. 但是,当我存根该方法时,它返回为零。

Account *account = [[Account alloc]init];
    account.name = @"fdsafdsfs";
    [given([self.mockClient login:@""passwrod:anything()]) willReturn:account];

May I know what did i do wrong? 我可以知道我做错了什么吗?

OCMockito's default behavior is that methods return nil unless you specify otherwise. OCMockito的默认行为是,除非另行指定,否则方法将返回nil Here's what you've specified: 这是您指定的内容:

given([self.mockClient login:@"" password:anything()]) willReturn:account

This tells OCMockito to return account when login:password: is called with matching parameters. 这告诉OCMockito在使用匹配参数调用login:password:时返回account anything() will match anything, but @"" will only match an empty string. anything()将匹配任何内容,但是@""仅匹配一个空字符串。 I suspect that your test is calling with a different login. 我怀疑您的测试正在使用其他登录名进行呼叫。

Specify the desired login in the given statement. given语句中指定所需的登录名。 In fact, you can have different logins return different accounts, if you want. 实际上,您可以根据需要让不同的登录名返回不同的帐户。

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