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如何使用Java API计算基于多个字段值的Elastic Search文档?

[英]How to count Elastic Search documents based on multiple field values with the Java API?

I am attempting to count the number of documents of a specific type based on the value of 2 of the documents fields. 我正在尝试根据document字段的值2来计算特定类型的文档数。

So far I can count the number of documents using: 到目前为止,我可以使用以下方法计算文档数:

SearchResponse response = elasticClient.getClient().prepareSearch(Properties.get().getSearch().getAliasName())
        .setSize(0) // Don't return any documents, we don't need them.

SearchHits hits = response.getHits();
return (int) hits.getTotalHits();

Which returns the correct number of total documents. 返回正确的文档总数。

I can also search for a specific document using: 我还可以使用以下方法搜索特定文档:

    searchResponse = elasticClient.getClient()
            .setQuery(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_name, field_value))

This also returns documents. 这也将返回文档。

I have attempted to count based on 2 field values using: 我尝试使用以下方法基于2个字段值进行计数:

BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
queryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_1, value_1));
queryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_2, value_2));
SearchRequestBuilder searchBuilder = elasticClient.getClient().prepareSearch(index)

But this always returns 0. 但这始终返回0。

How do I correctly count documents based on 2 field values using the Java API? 如何使用Java API根据2个字段值正确计数文档?

From inspecting the query, you are not passing both values together. 通过检查查询,您不会将两个值一起传递。 You are first passing the query for field_1 and later overwriting it with the query for field_2 . 您首先要传递对field_1的查询,然后用对field_2的查询覆盖它。 So the variable queryBuilder only has the query: QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_2, value_2) by the time you pass it to the client. 因此,在将变量传递给客户端QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_2, value_2)变量queryBuilder仅具有查询: QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_2, value_2)

In elasticsearch query DSL, the must object is an array of queries that behave similar to an AND in a SQL where clause. 在Elasticsearch查询DSL中, must对象是一系列查询,其行为类似于SQL where子句中的AND So all the queries in the must list need to match. 因此must列表中的所有查询都must匹配。 To include both queries in the must do the following: 要将两个查询都包括在内, must执行以下操作:

BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
queryBuilder.must().add(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_1, value_1));
queryBuilder.must().add(QueryBuilders.prefixQuery(field_2, value_2));

As for the count, size = 0 should do the trick. 至于计数, size = 0应该可以解决问题。 What kind of elasticsearch client are you using? 您使用哪种弹性搜索客户端?

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