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如何使用rubyzip将zip存档中的文件附加到ActiveStorage对象Rails 5

[英]How can I use rubyzip to attach files in a zip archive to an ActiveStorage object Rails 5

I have a model with one attachment that uses ActiveStorage: 我有一个带有使用ActiveStorage的附件的模型:

class ProofreadDocument < ApplicationRecord

  has_one_attached :file


I am working on a rake task to attach files to a proofread_document. 我正在执行一项rake任务,以将文件附加到proofread_document。 The files are compressed into a zip archive. 这些文件被压缩到一个zip存档中。

I understand that I can attach the files as follows from reading the ActiveStorage docs: 我了解可以通过阅读ActiveStorage文档来附加文件,如下所示:

@proofread_document.file.attach(io: File.open('/path/to/file'), filename: 'file.pdf')

I have the following in my rake task: 我的瑞克任务有以下内容:

    Zip::File.open(args.path_to_directory) do |zipfile|
          zipfile.each do |file|
            proofread_document = ProofreadDocument.new()
            proofread_document.file.attach(io: file.get_input_stream.read, filename: file.name)

This produces the following error: 这将产生以下错误:

NoMethodError: undefined method `read' for #<String:0x007f8d894d95e0>

I need to read the contents of each file one at at time to attach them to the proofread_document instance. 我需要一次读取每个文件的内容,以将它们附加到proofread_document实例。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?


self.file.attach(io: StringIO.new(zip_entry.get_input_stream.read), filename: zip_entry.name, content_type: MS_WORD_CONTENT_TYPE)

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