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[英]jquery filter search needs to search within categories

I'm creating a jquery filter search. 我正在创建一个jQuery过滤器搜索。

I want to be able to search within a filtered category. 我希望能够在过滤的类别中进行搜索。 I can filter out categories, but if I search within the selected category the search searches through the whole bunch but not only the selected category. 我可以过滤出类别,但是如果我在所选类别中搜索,则搜索将搜索整个对象,而不仅限于所选类别。

The search is almost working as it should, but I'm not sure how I can implement the search within categories criteria. 搜索几乎可以正常进行,但是我不确定如何在类别标准内实现搜索。

Here is a link to a fiddle 这是小提琴的链接

Any help or advise would be very much appreciated 任何帮助或建议将不胜感激

 $(document).ready(function(){ $("#searchInput").on("keyup", function() { var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase(); $("#searchFilterDiv div.CompanyDirectoryItem").filter(function() { $(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1) }); if($('#searchFilterDiv div.CompanyDirectoryItem:visible').length===0){ $('.error').show(); }else{ $('.error').hide(); } }); }); $(".filter-button").on("click", function(){ var selectItem = $(this).data('category'); filter(selectItem); }); function filter(e) { var regex = new RegExp('\\\\b\\\\w*' + e + '\\\\w*\\\\b'); $('.CompanyDirectoryItem').hide().filter(function () { return regex.test($(this).data('name')) }).show(); if($('.CompanyDirectoryItem:visible').length===0){ $('.error').show(); }else{ $('.error').hide(); } } $('.box-item').on('click', function(){ $('.box-item').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); 
 .search-form-item{ margin-top: 30px; background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid lightgrey; margin-bottom: 2em; padding: 20px; font-size: .9em; text-align: left; } /* Thjonusta AO */ .boxes-centered{ text-align:center; } .box-item{ color: #333; background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 20px 10px; margin: 1.7em .8em 1.7em .8em; max-width: 10vw; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: 500; cursor: pointer; display:inline-block; float:none; text-align:center; } .box-item:hover{ border-color: blue; } .box-item.selected{ border-color:red; color:red; } .search-form-service { border: 1px solid lightgray; margin-left: 8.333%; margin-right: 8.333%; background: #fff;} .search-form-service .form-control { border-radius: 0 !important; box-shadow: none; -webkit-appearance: none; border: 0; height: 50px; font: 18px "DINPro", Arial, sans-serif; padding: 15px; color: #4b4b4b; } .search-form-service .form-control::-moz-placeholder { color: #4b4b4b; opacity: 1; } .search-form-service .form-control:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #4b4b4b; } .search-form-service .form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #4b4b4b; } @media (max-width: 767px) { .search-form-service .form-control { font-size: 16px; height: 50px; padding: 10px 12px; } } .search-form-service .btn-search { border-width: 0 0 0 1px; } .search-form-service .input-group-btn { z-index: 5; } .search-form-service.type2 { max-width: 281px; } .search-form-service.type2 .form-control { height: 39px; padding: 8px 15px; } .search-form-service.type2 .btn-search { min-width: 57px; height: 39px; } /*Custom Media Quearies */ 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous"> <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <div class="container form-container"> <div class="row search-form-item"> <div class="col-md-10 col-md-offset-1 searchtext-input search-form-service"> <input class="form-control" id="searchInput" type="text" placeholder="Search"> </div> <div class="row boxes-centered"> <div class="col-md-2 col-md-offset-1 box-item filter-button" data-category="EveryCat">Every Category</div> <div class="col-md-2 box-item filter-button" data-category="Category1">Category1</div> <div class="col-md-2 box-item filter-button" data-category="Category2">Category2</div> <div class="col-md-2 box-item filter-button" data-category="Category3">Category3</div> <div class="col-md-2 box-item filter-button" data-category="Category4">Category4</div> </div> </div> </div><!-- / container --> <div id="searchFilterDiv"> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name="EveryCat, Category1"> <h3>this belongs to Category1</h3> <p>Some text, more text more text more text </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name="EveryCat, Category2"> <h3>this belongs to Category2</h3> <p>Some text, more text more text more text </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name="EveryCat, Category3"> <h3>Item belongs to Category3</h3> <p>Some text, more text more text more text </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name=" EveryCat, Category4"> <h3>Item in Cat 4</h3> <p> this item belongs to Category4 </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name="EveryCat, Category4, Category1"> <h3> this belongs to 1 and Category4</h3> <p>Some text, text about this item that belongs to category 1 and 4 </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="CompanyDirectoryItem" data-name="EveryCat, Category3, Category2"> <h3>Item belongs to Category2 and Category3</h3> <p>Some text, more text more text more text Category2 and Category3 txoeljljl </p> <a href="#">some link</a> </div> <div class="alert alert-error"></div> <div class="error search-results-box-item" style="display: none;"> <h3>No Results</h3> <p> Search gave no results, please try again </p> </div> </div> <!-- searchFilterDiv ends --> 

You want to search from visible sections only: 您只想从可见部分搜索:

$("#searchFilterDiv div.CompanyDirectoryItem:visible").filter(function() {


To keep searching/filtering functionality I suggest to use detach/attach: 为了保持搜索/过滤功能,我建议使用分离/附加:

let tmp=[];
function filter(e) {
    tmp.map(x => x.appendTo($('#searchFilterDiv')));

    var regex = new RegExp('\\b\\w*' + e + '\\w*\\b');         
    $('.CompanyDirectoryItem').detach().filter(function () {
        return true

and now you can use your initial search/filtering function 现在您可以使用初始搜索/过滤功能

$("#searchFilterDiv div.CompanyDirectoryItem").filter(function() {

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