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[英]React router `this.props.history.push` - history not defined

I have this logout function: 我有这个注销功能:

logOut = () => {
      .then(response => {
        if (response.status === 204) {
          localStorage.removeItem('key', response.headers.authorization)
          localStorage.removeItem('id', response.data.id)
          // return <Redirect to="/login" />
      .catch(error => {

this.props.history.push('/something') works on every other occasion. this.props.history.push('/something')在其他场合也可以使用。 But here it says cannot read push of undefined. 但是在这里它说无法读取未定义的push I tried return <Redirect to="/login" /> which doesn't work too. 我尝试return <Redirect to="/login" /> ,它也不起作用。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

It may because of one of these reasons: 可能是由于以下原因之一:

1- You need to pass your component to withRouter when you are using history.push: 1-当您使用history.push时,您需要将组件传递给withRouter:

    import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom

   // ... codes of component in here ...

    export default withRouter(componentName) // at the end of component

2- this is referring to axios and you need to define this over the axios with another name and use it in axios eg: 2- 是指axios,您需要使用其他名称在axios上定义此名称,并在axios中使用它,例如:

var that = this;

 // then use that in axios

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