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在C语言中,我很难获取成员struct(双指针)的指针值。 在分配值的函数之外,该值丢失

[英]In C, I'm having trouble getting the pointed value of a member struct(a double pointer). The value is lost outside the function assigning the value

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

typedef struct {
  double *presult;
} SomeData;

//Fonction that assigns the value to be pointed
void  *assignValue(void *data) {
    SomeData *aData = (SomeData*)data;
    double valeurTotal = 45.50;

    aData->presult = &valeurTotal; //Make the pointer point to the value

    printf("%10.3f \n",*aData->presult); //Here it prints the right answer L 45.50

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    SomeData myData; // The struct
    pthread_t onethread; 
    pthread_create(&onethread, NULL, assignValue,(void *)&myData); 
    pthread_join(onethread, NULL);

    printf("**************************************** \n");
    printf("%10.3f \n", (myData.presult)); // prints: 0
    printf("%10.3f \n", *(myData.presult));// prints: 0


Question might be confusing, so hopefully this simplified version of my code can explain better. 问题可能令人困惑,因此希望我的代码的简化版本可以更好地解释。 So basically, I've created a thread that modifies the values of a struct. 因此,基本上,我创建了一个修改结构值的线程。

Inside the thread function, the struct is passed-on as a pointer. 在线程函数内部,该结构作为指针传递。 One of the struct's member is a double pointer 'presult'. 结构的成员之一是双指针“ presult”。 The thread function makes the 'presult' point to a value and it seems to work, because the print works. 线程函数使“结果”点指向一个值,并且它似乎起作用,因为打印有效。

However, back into the main function, I try to print the value of 'presult' again, but it doesn't print 45.50, but 0.0 instead. 但是,回到主函数中,我尝试再次打印'presult'的值,但是它不打印45.50,而是打印0.0。

In my full code, I actually get Segmentation fault with the last print. 在我的完整代码中,我实际上在上次打印时遇到了细分错误。 But even in this simplified code, it doesn't work. 但是,即使在这种简化的代码中,它也不起作用。 It doesn't print 45.50. 它不会打印45.50。

Output is as followed: 输出如下:


Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。 Thank you. 谢谢。

double valeurTotal = 45.50;
aData->presult = &valeurTotal; //Make the pointer point to the value

The memory location assigned to valeurTotal is going to be reused when assignValue goes out scope. assignValue超出作用域时,分配给valeurTotal的内存位置将被重用。

This is most likely the case at 这很可能是

printf("%10.3f \n", *(myData.presult)); // prints: 0

Also at this line you're trying to print a pointer as a floating number, which is wacky. 同样在这一行,您尝试将指针打印为浮点数,这很奇怪。

printf("%10.3f \n", (myData.presult)); // prints: 0

You need to actually store the value in your structure, which you can do by 您需要将值实际存储在结构中,可以通过

typedef struct {
  double presult; // will copy into this when its assigned.
} SomeData;

Obviously, if you only wanted one double value you'd just pass that double as a pointer rather than a strucutre. 显然,如果只需要一个double值,则只需将该double用作指针而不是strucutre。

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