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[英]VBA, define range with LastRow

I am having trouble defining my variable with my last row variable. 我在用最后一行变量定义变量时遇到麻烦。 Getting error: 出现错误:

application-defined or object defined error 应用程序定义或对象定义的错误

LastRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheets("stack").Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row + 1)
busdates = Sheets("stack").Range("M3" & ":" & "M & LastRow - 1")

I know it is something to do with my range. 我知道这与我的范围有关。 Can someone help with the format of this? 有人可以帮忙吗? Trying to get the range of M3 to M Last row. 试图获取M3到M最后一行的范围。

then I'm trying to loop through busdates like so, 然后,我通过努力环busdates像这样,

For d = 2 To busdates
    If ActiveSheet.Range("F") <> busdates Then
        ActiveSheet.Range("M" & LastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
    End If

The range to be copied here ActiveSheet.Range("F2:K").Copy is not completely defined. 此处要复制的范围ActiveSheet.Range("F2:K").Copy尚未完全定义。 There is a row for the K column missing. K列缺少一行。

Gessing that busdates is inteded to be a range, then it should be assigned as such: 考虑到busdates实际上是一个范围,因此应该这样指定:

Dim busDates As Range
Set busDates = Sheets("stack").Range("M3:M" & lastRow - 1)

And looping through the rows of a range is a bit meaningless, if the d variable is not used in the loop, but still: 如果在循环中未使用d变量,但仍然循环遍历范围的行是没有意义的:

For d = 2 To busDates.Rows.Count + 2
    ActiveSheet.Range("F2:K" & lastRow).Copy
    ActiveSheet.Range("M" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

Probably looping through busDates could be done like this: 大概通过busDates循环可以像这样完成:

Dim myCell As Range

For Each myCell In busDates
    If myCell.Row > 2 Then
        'some cut and copy here
    End If
Next myCell

Last but not least, the ActiveSheet is to be avoided in VBA, but in this case it is probably harmless - How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA . 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,在VBA中应避免使用ActiveSheet ,但在这种情况下,它可能是无害的- 如何避免在Excel VBA中使用Select

The whole code that works somehow is here: 可以正常工作的整个代码在这里:

Sub TestMe()

    Dim lastRow As Long
    lastRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(Sheets("stack").Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row)
    lastRow = lastRow + 1

    Dim busDates As Range
    Set busDates = Sheets("stack").Range("M3:M" & lastRow - 1)

    Dim d As Long
    For d = 2 To busDates.Rows.Count + 2
        ActiveSheet.Range("F2:K" & lastRow).Copy
        ActiveSheet.Range("M" & lastRow).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
        Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

I haven't tested this with any data yet, but you might be able to adapt something like this 我还没有用任何数据测试过,但是您也许可以适应这样的情况

Option Explicit

Sub test()
    Dim DataArr() As Variant
    Dim BusDates() As Variant
    Dim PasteArr() As Variant
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim Cell1 As Variant
    Dim Cell2 As Variant
    Dim index As Long
    Dim Matched As Boolean
    Dim subcount As Long

    LastRow = Worksheets("stacks").Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    DataArr() = Worksheets("stacks").Range("F2:K" & Worksheets("stacks").Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row).Value
    BusDates() = Worksheets("stacks").Range("M3:M" & LastRow).Value

    ReDim PasteArr(1 To 1, 1 To 6)
    subcount = 1

    For Cell1 = 1 To UBound(DataArr(), 1)
        For Each Cell2 In BusDates()
            If DataArr(Cell1, 1) Like Cell2 Then
                Matched = True
                Exit For                                      'if it matches it will exit
            ElseIf Cell2 Like BusDates(UBound(BusDates), 1) Then 'if it gets to the end, it's truly unique and needs to be added

                For index = 1 To 6
                    PasteArr(subcount, index) = DataArr(Cell1, index)
                Next index

                subcount = subcount + 1

                PasteArr = Application.Transpose(PasteArr)
                ReDim Preserve PasteArr(1 To 6, 1 To subcount)
                PasteArr = Application.Transpose(PasteArr)

                Matched = False

            End If
        Next Cell2

        If Matched = False Then
            BusDates = Application.Transpose(BusDates)
            ReDim Preserve BusDates(1 To UBound(BusDates) + 1)
            BusDates = Application.Transpose(BusDates)
            BusDates(UBound(BusDates), 1) = DataArr(Cell1, 1)
        End If

    Next Cell1
    Worksheets("stacks").Range("M" & LastRow + 1 & ":" & Cells(LastRow + UBound(PasteArr, 1) - 1, 18).Address).Value = PasteArr
End Sub

You need two for loops so that you can iterate through each date in the data array and compare it to every date in the M column to ensure that it's truly unique. 您需要两个for循环,以便可以遍历数据数组中的每个日期,并将其与M列中的每个日期进行比较,以确保其真正唯一。 The exit for speeds it up a little bit by skipping the rest of comparisons once it gets a match. 出口通过在获得匹配项后跳过其余比较来加快速度。

EDIT: I've tested it a little and made some changes but this seems to work. 编辑:我已经对其进行了一点测试,并进行了一些更改,但这似乎工作。 It's worth noting that the LastRow will screw up if your data isn't in a square or rectangular shape because it might end up adding an null character or something to the compare array and you'll get a type mismatch when comparing Cell2 值得注意的是,如果您的数据不是正方形或矩形, LastRow将会搞砸,因为它可能最终会在比较数组中添加空字符或其他内容,并且在比较Cell2时会出现类型不匹配的情况

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