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[英]Chrome headless download pdf using capybara and selenium

I'm using chrome headless with Selenium (3.14.0) and Capybara (3.8.0) in my Ruby on Rails (5.2.1) project and I have a test which works in Non-headless chrome but not in headless chrome. 我在我的Ruby on Rails(5.2.1)项目中使用了带有Selenium(3.14.0)和Capybara(3.8.0)的chrome headless,我有一个测试工作在Non-headless chrome但不在无头chrome中。 I'm using the '--headless' flag on google chrome stable version 69. 我在谷歌Chrome稳定版69上使用'--headless'标志。

I've setup my headless chrome with the following and this works for all tests which don't download files. 我用以下设置我的无头镀铬,这适用于所有不下载文件的测试。


Capybara.register_driver(:headless_chrome) do |app|
  caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.chrome(
    chromeOptions: {
      prefs: {
        'download.default_directory' => download_path,
        "download.extensions_to_open" => "applications/pdf",
        'download.directory_upgrade' => true,
        'download.prompt_for_download' => false,
        'plugins.plugins_disabled' => ["Chrome PDF Viewer"]
      binary: "/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome",
      args: %w[headless disable-gpu window-size=1920,1080]
    browser: :chrome,
    desired_capabilities: caps

I've read that I should be sending a command to selenium chrome driver to allow downloads but I cannot figure out how to do that with my setup. 我已经读过我应该向selenium chrome驱动程序发送命令以允许下载,但我无法弄清楚如何使用我的设置。 Here is what I'm trying to get working, but with my setup; 这是我想要的工作,但我的设置; (not from my code base); (不是来自我的代码库);

@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options

bridge = @driver.send(:bridge)
path = '/session/:session_id/chromium/send_command'
path[':session_id'] = bridge.session_id
bridge.http.call(:post, path, cmd: 'Page.setDownloadBehavior',
                 params: {
                   behavior: 'allow',
                   downloadPath: download_path

How do I access the selenium bridge in my setup so that I can send this http call? 如何在我的设置中访问selenium网桥,以便我可以发送此http呼叫?

You don't need to send that manually anymore it was added to selenium as Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Server#download_path= . 您不需要再手动发送它作为Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Server#download_path=添加到selenium。 You can set it in your driver registration via the Capybara::Selenium::Driver instance 您可以通过Capybara::Selenium::Driver实例在驱动程序注册中进行设置

  browser: :chrome,
  desired_capabilities: caps
).tap { |d| d.browser.download_path = <your download path> }

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