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[英]Normal CSS with CSS Modules

I was previously using bootstrap css import fine previously. 我以前使用过bootstrap css import很好。

However I'm trying to use CSS module so I added a few lines. 但是我试图使用CSS模块,所以我增加了几行。

        test: /\.css$/,
        use:  [
            loader: 'css-loader', 
            options: { 
              importLoaders: 1, 
              modules: true, //<- Added to enable css module
              localIdentName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]' //<-Added to enable css module

Now I'm able to use the following sample codes 现在,我可以使用以下示例代码

  import styles from 'styles.css'

and use it in the code like this 并在这样的代码中使用它

  <div className={styles.container}></div>

and it becomes like this in browser 它在浏览器中变成这样

  <div class="styles__container___3dfEE"></div>

I have the following in my index.js 我的index.js中有以下内容

  import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

Now, all my classes from bootstrap.min.css are no longer working. 现在,我来自bootstrap.min.css的所有类都不再起作用。

How can i enable both css modules as well as continue to use bootstrap css normally? 如何启用两个CSS模块以及正常继续使用Bootstrap CSS?

I'm currently using a "dirty" way to do it, by saving my custom styles as styles.sss instead and added the following codes in webpack config. 我目前正在使用一种“肮脏”的方式,方法是将自定义样式保存为styles.sss,并在webpack配置中添加了以下代码。 Not sure whether it will have any issues. 不确定是否会有任何问题。

    test: /\.css$/,
    use:  [
        loader: 'css-loader', 
        options: { 
          importLoaders: 1
    test: /\.sss$/,
    use:  [
        loader: 'css-loader', 
        options: { 
          importLoaders: 1, 
          modules: true,
          localIdentName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]'

you need to import bootstrap's css without going through your original webpack config: 您需要导入引导程序的css,而无需通过原始的webpack配置:

import "!style-loader!css-loader!bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";

this will activate the style-loader and css loader but without the modules: true option 这将激活样式加载器和CSS加载器,但不包含modules: true选项

I have learnt few methods before for this Github pull-request issue . 在解决这个Github pull-request问题之前,我学到的方法很少。

First, change the file name. 首先,更改文件名。 Easiest way but ugly. 最简单的方法却很丑。

Change your styles.css to styles.m.css and separate module and plain css like 将您的styles.css更改为styles.m.css ,并将模块和普通CSS分开,例如

test: /\.m.css$/
test: /\^((?!\.m).)*css$/

Second, separate the folders for module and plain css, while exclude each other. 其次,将模块和普通css的文件夹分开,而将它们互相排除。

exclude: /css/plain/
exclude: /css/module/

Third, use resourceQuery 三,使用resourceQuery

test: /\.css$/,
oneOf: [{
    resourceQuery: /^\?raw$/,
    use: [...]

And import as 并导入为

import './bootstrap.min.css?raw'

Try to separate the loaders into different rules. 尝试将装载程序分成不同的规则。 Like this: 像这样:

  test: /\.css$/,
  use:  [
  test: /\.css$/,
  use:  [
      loader: 'css-loader', 
      options: { 
        importLoaders: 1, 
        modules: true,
        localIdentName: '[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]'

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