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将 NumPy 字符串数组转换为日期时间

[英]Converting a NumPy array of strings to datetime

I have an array of strings, for example我有一个字符串数组,例如

import numpy as np
foo = np.array( [b'2014-04-05', b'2014-04-06', b'2014-04-07'] )

To check for the data type of the array, I print it with要检查数组的数据类型,我打印它

print( foo.dtype )

which results in |S10 .这导致|S10 Obviously, it consists of strings of length 10. I want to convert it into NumPy's datetime64 type.显然,它由长度为 10 的字符串组成。我想将其转换为 NumPy 的datetime64类型。

More precisely, I want to change the data type of the array without looping through a for-loop and copying it element-wise into a new array (the real array is actually very large).更准确地说,我想更改数组的数据类型,而不需要循环通过 for 循环并将其按元素复制到一个新数组中(实际数组实际上非常大)。 Naive as I am, I thought the following might work:尽管我很天真,但我认为以下方法可能有效:

[ np.datetime64(x) for x in foo ]

Spoiler: it does not.剧透:它没有。 Printing the data type of the array results in the same output as before (ie, |S10 ).打印数组的数据类型会产生与之前相同的输出(即|S10 )。

Is there a memory efficient way to convert the data type of the existing array without the necessity of copying everything to a new array?是否有一种内存有效的方法来转换现有数组的数据类型,而无需将所有内容复制到新数组中?

Use .astype , with copy=False to avoid creating a copy:使用.astype ,并使用copy=False以避免创建副本:

foo = np.array( [b'2014-04-05', b'2014-04-06', b'2014-04-07'] )

foo = foo.astype('datetime64',copy=False)

>>> foo
array(['2014-04-05', '2014-04-06', '2014-04-07'], dtype='datetime64[D]')

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