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[英]Azure Identity Server Authentication

In Azure, I have a docker-compose file for my web app instance that creates the Angular front-end, an IdentityServer4 server for authenticating users, and an API that handles communication to a DB. 在Azure中,我有一个用于Web应用程序实例的docker-compose文件,用于创建Angular前端,用于身份验证用户的IdentityServer4服务器以及用于处理与数据库通信的API。

The container logs seem to suggest that everything in the docker-compose is running just fine, but when I attempt to reach the IdentityServer4 login page from the Angular front-end, I keep receiving this error in the Console: 容器日志似乎表明docker-compose中的所有内容都运行良好,但是当我尝试从Angular前端访问IdentityServer4登录页面时,我在控制台中始终收到此错误:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED  :5000/.well-known/openid-configuration:1

and also... 并且...

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Network Error   core.js:1624 

I have replaced all of the localhost:5000 instances(for ID Server) with https://myapp.azurewebsites.net:5000 , which I thought would handle the transition to Azure, but I can't seem to get past the above errors. 我已将所有localhost:5000实例(用于ID Server)替换为https://myapp.azurewebsites.net:5000 ,我认为这可以处理向Azure的过渡,但是我似乎无法克服上述错误。

Does anybody know what I could be doing wrong here? 有人知道我在这里可能做错了什么吗? Or what I can do to fix this issue? 或者我可以采取什么措施解决此问题?

Goto database and update clients based tables where the will localhost:5000 mentioned. 转到数据库并更新基于客户端的表,其中将提到localhost:5000 Replace localhost with myapp.azurewebsites.net myapp.azurewebsites.net替换localhost

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