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[英]pandas pivot columns to rows

I have a dataframe such as the one below that I pivoted to apply some operations on. 我有一个数据框(例如下面的数据框),我对其进行了枢转以对其进行一些操作。

Original dataframe df: 原始数据框df:

index   item   value    day     time
0   P472   0.126    2011-12-08  00:00:00
1   P472   0.12     2011-12-08  00:30:00
2   P472   0.119    2011-12-08  01:00:00
3   P472   0.425    2011-12-08  01:30:00
4   P472   0.154    2011-12-08  02:00:00

I pivoted the dataframe with code below to produce the new dataframe below: 我使用下面的代码对数据框进行了透视,以产生下面的新数据框:

df_pivoted = df.pivot_table(index=['item', 'day'], columns='time',
                 values='value', aggfunc='first').reset_index()

df_pivoted: df_pivoted:

index   item   day      00:00:00 00:30:00 ... 23:30:00
0   P472   2011-12-08   0.126    0.12     ...   0.18
1   P473   2011-12-08   0.5      0.55     ...   0.30

Now I want to re-pivot df_pivoted to be in the layout of the original dataframe, ie collapse columns 00:00:00 through 23:30:00 to a time column, each 24 hour time within a specific day, and re-introducing the value column (using df_pivoted.stack?) but I cant work out how to do this. 现在,我想将df_pivoted重新设置为原始数据帧的布局,即将00:00:00到23:30:00的列折叠到时间列,在特定的一天中每个24小时时间,然后重新引入值列(使用df_pivoted.stack?),但我无法解决如何做到这一点。 Any ideas>? 任何想法>?

The reverse of pd.pivot_table can be achieved via pd.melt : pd.pivot_table的相反pd.pivot_table可以通过pd.melt实现:

df_melted = df_pivoted.melt(id_vars=['index', 'item', 'day', 'time'],
                            value_vars=['value']).drop('variable', 1)


   index  item  value         day      time
0      0  P472  0.126  2011-12-08  00:00:00
1      1  P472  0.120  2011-12-08  00:30:00
2      2  P472  0.119  2011-12-08  01:00:00
3      3  P472  0.425  2011-12-08  01:30:00
4      4  P472  0.154  2011-12-08  02:00:00

It's worth pointing out this works because your aggregation function is 'first' and combinations of ['index', 'item', 'day', 'time'] are unique. 值得指出的是,此功能有效,因为您的聚合函数是'first'并且['index', 'item', 'day', 'time']是唯一的。 If they were not, then the pivot table would be aggregating data and losing information which cannot be put together again. 如果不是,则数据透视表将聚集数据并丢失无法再次放在一起的信息。

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