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[英]How to change an element in a list of lists if it has a specific index and condition that is met?

I want to be able to take a list of lists (lst) and a list of indexes and those elements in lst that have that have those indexes and also meet the condition ( == '1') to be changed to '0' . 我希望能够获取列表列表(lst)和索引列表以及lst中那些具有那些索引并且还满足条件( == '1')元素要更改为'0'

If I input 如果我输入

lst = [['1','2','3'],[],['4','2','1']]


specific_indexes = [(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2)]

I get [['0', '2', '3'], [], ['4', '2', '0']] 我得[['0', '2', '3'], [], ['4', '2', '0']]

but I would like faster way to do this. 但我想更快地做到这一点。

def change(lst, specific_indexes):

    for (x,y) in specific_indexes:
        if lst[y][x] == '1':
            lst[y][x] = '0'
    return lst

...but I would like faster way to do this. ...但我想更快地做到这一点。

If you are interested in performance, you can use a specialist 3rd party library such as NumPy . 如果您对性能感兴趣,可以使用NumPy等专业的第三方库。 This does mean you have to define a regular 2d array as an input, or transform it into one as shown below. 这意味着您必须将常规的2d数组定义为输入,或将其转换为1,如下所示。

import numpy as np

lst = [['1','2','3'],[],['4','2','1']]
idx = [(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2)]

# calculate column number and construct NumPy array
colnum = max(map(len, lst))
arr = np.array([sublst if sublst else ['0'] * colnum for sublst in lst]).astype(int)
idx = np.array(idx)

# calculate indexer and mask array conditionally
mask = np.ix_(idx[:, 1], idx[:, 0])
arr[mask] = np.where(arr[mask] == 1, 0, arr[mask])

# array([[0, 2, 3],
#        [0, 0, 0],
#        [4, 2, 0]])

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