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[英]How to use map inside map in React?

I have object like this: 我有这样的对象:

[{a:1, rows:[]},{a:2,rows:[]}] [{a:1,行:[]},{a:2,行:[]}]

I want to map the the a's as table columns and rows as cells. 我想将a映射为表列,将行映射为单元格。

I'm trying like this: 我正在尝试这样:

        _id, rfqID, supplier, notes, rows,
      }) => (
    {rows.map(({ offerPrice }) => (

But I get Uncaught ReferenceError: rows is not defined What is the correct syntax to map this table with headers & items? 但是我遇到了Uncaught ReferenceError: rows is not defined表与标题和项目映射的正确语法Uncaught ReferenceError: rows is not defined什么?

Since doc is array of objects you need to do map on doc and again map on rows to display offerprice 由于doc是对象数组,因此您需要在doc上进行映射,然后再次在行上进行映射以显示offerprice

      }) => 
        <th key={_id}>{supplier}</th>
  {doc.map(({ rows }) => 
    rows.map((offerPrice, index)  =>
      <tr key={`Key-$(index)`}>

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