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[英]Problems with authentication on node-soap

Thank you for taking the time to read this, 感谢您抽出时间来阅读,

I have a little problem with node-soap, so basically I'm trying to verify the identity of the client before sending back a response, after following the documentation I found the server.authenticate function. 我对节点肥皂有一点问题,因此基本上,在按照文档找到了server.authenticate函数之后,我试图在发送响应之前验证客户端的身份。

server.authenticate = async function (security: any) {
                const binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String = security.BinarySecurityToken.$value;
                const pemKeyFromRequestAsString = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" + "\n" + binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\n") + "\n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
                const success =  await validateCertificate(pemKeyFromRequestAsString);
                if (success) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    winston.warn("Failed to validate Certificate - Either Certificate Verification with CA Chain Failed or the system encountered an error");
                    return false;

That's where I do my verification business and return true or false based on the result: 那是我进行验证业务并根据结果返回true或false的地方:

const success =  await validateCertificate(pemKeyFromRequestAsString);

My problem is, no matter what is the result, I still get the response back, on the logs, everything is fine and confirm that the verification failed, maybe this because of Async/Sync stuff.. I'm really new to Javascript/Typescript World, any help would be greatly appreciated. 我的问题是,无论结果如何,我仍然会在日志中返回响应,一切都很好,并确认验证失败,这可能是由于异步/同步问题造成的。 Typescript World,任何帮助将不胜感激。

Here is my a preview of my code: 这是我的代码预览:

try {
        const myService = {
            Calculate_Service: {
                Calculate_Port: {
                    multiply: function(args, callback) {
                        const a = 1;
                        try {
                            winston.debug("Reached the multiply Function");
                            const n = args.a * args.b;
                                multiplicationResult : n
                        } catch (e) {
                            throw {
                                Fault: {
                                    Code: {
                                        Value: "soap:Sender",
                                        Subcode: { value: "rpc:BadArguments" }
                                    Reason: { Text: JSON.stringify(e) },
                                    statusCode: 500


        const xml = fs.readFileSync(AppConfiguration.responseServerWsdlPath, "utf8");

            type: function () {
                return true;
            }, limit: "5mb"

        app.listen(port, async function () {

            winston.info("Express server listening on port " + port);
            const server = ArcNodeSoap.listen(app, "/calculatorService", myService, xml);

            server.authenticate = async function (security: any) {
                const binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String = security.BinarySecurityToken.$value;
                const pemKeyFromRequestAsString = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" + "\n" + binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\n") + "\n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
                const success =  await validateCertificate(pemKeyFromRequestAsString);
                if (success) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    winston.warn("Failed to validate Certificate - Either Certificate Verification with CA Chain Failed or the system encountered an error");
                    return false;

            server.log = function (type, data) {
                winston.debug("type: " + type);

                server.on("headers", function (headers, methodName) {
                    //More debug stuff;
                    winston.debug("****** HEADERS **********");
                    winston.debug("methodName: " + methodName);

    } catch (err) {

I appreciate the time guys, thank you! 谢谢你们的宝贵时间,谢谢!

I finally fixed my problem, if anyone has the same problem with the async/sync code: I fixed it by using the Async method from the documentation 我终于解决了我的问题,如果有人对异步/同步代码有同样的问题:我通过使用文档中的Async方法解决了它

server.authenticate =  function (security: any, callback): any {
                //Get the Binary Security Token coming from the request as a Base 64 String
            const binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String = security.BinarySecurityToken.$value;
            //Creating a new certificate with header, footer and line breaks from the binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String
            const pemKeyFromRequestAsString = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" + "\n" + binarySecurityTokenAsBase64String.replace(/(.{64})/g, "$1\n") + "\n" + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
            //Validate the certificate

                //This is an async wrapper where I added all my verification steps;
                validateCertificateWrapper(pemKeyFromRequestAsString).then((authorized: boolean) => {
                    //If the certificate is valid
                    if (authorized) {
                        winston.info("Verification successfully Passed");
                        return callback(true);

                    } else {                     //If the certificate is invalid
                        winston.error("Failed to validate Certificate");
                        return callback(false);
                }, () => {
                    winston.error("Failed to validate Certificate");
                    return callback(false);
                } );

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