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“发送”未定义,丢失了我所做的事情? | Discord.jsbo

[英]"Send" is undefined, lost what I've done? | Discord.jsbo

exports.exec = async (message, bot) => {
    await message.channel.send("Rebooting...").catch(err => this.client.console.error(err));

exports.config = {
  aliases: [ ],
  enabled: true,

exports.help = {
  name: 'Restart',
  botPermission: '',
  userTextPermission: '',
  userVoicePermission: '',
  usage: 'Restart',
  example: [  ]

Is the code I've got attempting to run, throws back this error是我试图运行的代码,抛出这个错误照片

I've got no clue at all, I've done a lot of other commands and all defines are fine but I'm absolutely struggling with this one?我根本没有任何线索,我已经完成了很多其他命令并且所有定义都很好,但是我绝对在为这个而苦苦挣扎? I don't see how it's failing at all..我根本看不出它是如何失败的..

exports.exec = async (client, message, args, level) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
  message.channel.send("Are you sure you want to reboot?\n\nReply with `cancel` to abort the reboot. The reboot will self-abort in 30 seconds");
  return message.channel.awaitMessages(m => m.author.id === message.author.id, {
    "errors": ["time"],
    "max": 1,
    time: 30000
  }).then(resp => {
    if (!resp) return;
    resp = resp.array()[0];
    const validAnswers = ["yes", "y", "no", "n", "cancel"];
    if (validAnswers.includes(resp.content)) {
      if (resp.content === "cancel" || resp.content === "no" || resp.content === "n") {
        return message.channel.send("Aborting reboot");
      } else if (resp.content === "yes" || resp.content === "y") {
        client.destroy().then(() => {
        }).catch(error => console.error(error));
    } else {
      message.channel.send(`Only \`${validAnswers.join("`, `")}\` are valid, please supply one of those.`).catch(error => console.error(error));
  }).catch(error => {
    message.channel.send("Reboot timed out");

/* * * * */

When inputting $restart you'll have an automated reply back from the bot with " Are you sure you want to reboot? Reply with cancel to abort the reboot. The reboot will self-abort in 30 seconds "输入$restart 时,机器人会自动回复“ Are you sure you want to reboot? Reply with取消to abort the reboot. The reboot will self-abort in 30 seconds

If you type " cancel " obviously it'll cancel it, if you wait out the time-out it'll also cancel.如果您键入“ cancel ”,显然它会取消它,如果您等待超时,它也会取消。

Replying with回复

Yes | Yes | Y | Y | will restart the bot将重新启动机器人

No | No | N | N | will cancel it将取消它

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