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如何在mongo db中进行联合表查询?

[英]How to do joint table query in mongo db?

I'm quite new with mongodb, in the past I worked with mysql for database queries.我对 mongodb 很陌生,过去我使用 mysql 进行数据库查询。

Now I have 2 mongo collections:现在我有 2 个 mongo 集合:

  1. companies公司
|    id        |     name     |
|     1        |   good name  |
|     2        |   bad name   |
  1. positions职位
|      id      |    companyId  |      name         |
|      1       |      1        |     bad position  |
|      2       |      2        |    good position  |

Now I need to allow searching positions by fuzzy matching the name, either company or position name.现在我需要允许通过模糊匹配名称(公司或职位名称)来搜索职位。 For example, if I search by name "good", the result should be the 2 positions.例如,如果我按名称“good”搜索,结果应该是 2 个位置。 Because for the position 1, it's correlated company's name contains "good", and for the position 2, it's own name contains "good".因为对于位置 1,它的相关公司名称包含“good”,而对于位置 2,它自己的名称包含“good”。

So how should I arrange the aggregation pipelines to achieve that?那么我应该如何安排aggregation pipelines来实现这一目标?

I tried with the following but it doesn't work:我尝试了以下操作,但不起作用:

const lookup = {
  from: "companies",
  localField: "companyId",
  foreignField: "_id",
  as: "companies"

const match = {
  $or: [
      name: { $regex: companyOrPositionName }
      "companies": { name: { $regex: companyOrPositionName } }

return await position.aggregate([{ $lookup: lookup }, { $match: match }]);

Can anyone help?任何人都可以帮忙吗? Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

You can try below aggregation您可以尝试以下聚合

  { "$lookup": {
    "from": "companies",
    "let": { "companyId": "$_id" },
    "pipeline": [
      { "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$companyId" ] } } },
      { "$project": { "name": 1 }}
    "as": "companyName"
  { "$unwind": "$companyName" },
  { "$match": {
    "$or": [
      { "name": { "$regex": "good" }},
      { "companyName.name": { "$regex": "good" }}

or either with simple find queries或者使用简单的find查询

const companies = await Companies.find({ "name": { "$regex": "good" }})
const ids = companies.map(company => company._id)

  "$or": [
    { "companyId": { "$in": ids }},
    { "name": { "$regex": "good" }}

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