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[英]Message format in java and how to replicate the same in Golang

Here's the Java code: 这是Java代码:

AtomicInteger obIndex = new AtomicInteger(0);

Output: 输出:


I tried this in Go: 我在Go中试过这个:

value := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%s,%s,%s,%s",
    "", "ABC-Testvm-1")

Which outputs: 哪个输出:


What is the significance of {0,number,#} and how can I get the same in Go? {0,number,#}什么意义?如何在Go中获得相同的内容?

This is detailed at java.text.MessageFormat . 这在java.text.MessageFormat有详细说明。 The string you pass to MessageFormat.format() is a pattern . 传递给MessageFormat.format()的字符串是一种模式 A pattern consists of format elements . 模式由格式元素组成 The form of a format element is: 格式元素的形式是:

         { ArgumentIndex }
         { ArgumentIndex , FormatType }
         { ArgumentIndex , FormatType , FormatStyle }

So in the first format element: 所以在第一个格式元素中:


0 is the argument index whose value to format. 0是要格式化的值的参数索引。

number is a format type, and # is a format style, more specifically a subformat pattern . number是格式类型, #是格式样式,更具体地说是子格式 This means the argument will be formatted using a subformat of: 这意味着参数将使用以下子格式进行格式化:

new DecimalFormat(subformatPattern, DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(getLocale()))

The # subformat is described at java.text.DecimalFormat . #子格式在描述java.text.DecimalFormat It simply means to not use fraction digits, only display it as an integer, and if it is not an integer, it will be rounded (using the RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN mode). 它只是意味着不使用小数位,只显示为整数,如果它不是整数,它将被舍入(使用RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN模式)。

In Go to format an integer number, you may simply use the %d verb as you did, which will yield the same output format for integer numbers. 在Go中格式化整数,您可以像使用%d动词一样使用,这将为整数生成相同的输出格式。 If the number is a floating point number, this won't work ( %d can only be used for integers). 如果该数字是浮点数,则不起作用( %d只能用于整数)。 If the number is a floating point number, use the %f verb, more specifically %.0f to tell it to round to an integer, or the shortest form %.f . 如果数字是浮点数,请使用%f动词,更具体地说%.0f告诉它舍入为整数,或者使用最短格式%.f

Also your Java version puts the last argument in double quotes, so you should do the same in Go. 此外,您的Java版本将最后一个参数放在双引号中,因此您应该在Go中执行相同的操作。

value := fmt.Sprintf("%d,%s,%s,%s,\"%s\"",
    "", "ABC-Testvm-1")


This will output (try it on the Go Playground ): 这将输出(在Go Playground上尝试):


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