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[英]How to show a loading spinner until component loads in React

My question is not as simple as the title. 我的问题并不像标题那么简单。 I'm trying to show a loading component for 1 second and then replace that component with the actual data. 我试图显示1秒钟的加载组件,然后用实际数据替换该组件。

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

const TopNavigationAuth = () => (
    <Menu.Item name="home" content="Home" as={Link} to={routes.HOME} />
    <Menu.Menu position="right">
        <UserSection />
                    content="Sign Out"

So here I have the <UserSection /> component which essentially just holds the user's picture and name (for now). 因此,这里有<UserSection />组件,该组件实际上仅保存用户的图片和姓名(目前)。 I would like to load that component after 1 or 2 seconds but until then I would like to show a spinner instead. 我想在1或2秒钟后加载该组件,但在此之前,我想显示一个微调器。

I'm using semantic ui react for my app and they have a handy spinner which looks like this: 我正在为我的应用程序使用语义ui react,它们有一个方便的微调器,如下所示:

const LoaderExampleInlineCentered = () => <Loader active inline='centered' />

Can I please have some guidance with this? 我可以为此提供一些指导吗?

You can conditionally render one of the two components, Loader Or UserSection. 您可以有条件地呈现两个组件之一,即Loader或UserSection。

this.state.profileExist === true ? <UserSection /> : <Loader />

Then initialize profileExist as a False in componentDid mount, then use setTimeout to set it to true 然后在componentDid挂载中将profileExist初始化为False,然后使用setTimeout将其设置为true

componentDidMount() {
    this.setState({profileExist: false})
    setTimeout(() => { 
          this.setState({profileExist: true})
    }, 1000);

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