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与ImageJ / Fiji接口

[英]Interfacing with ImageJ/Fiji

What options are there for interfacing with / controlling ImageJ/Fiji from another program? 从另一个程序与ImageJ / Fiji接口/控制有什么选择?

I need to use some image filters that are available in Fiji. 我需要使用斐济提供的一些图像滤镜。 However, I cannot have Fiji be the centre of my workflow. 但是,我不能让斐济成为我工作流程的中心。 I am using another system (scripting language) for that. 我为此使用了另一种系统(脚本语言)。 I must manipulate some data in that other system, apply a filter to an image, get the result, then continue manipulating that image. 我必须在其他系统中处理一些数据,对图像应用过滤器,获取结果,然后继续处理该图像。

What are my options? 我有什么选择? What features does Fiji provide that make this possible? 斐济提供哪些功能来实现这一目标?

In particular, is it possible to do this if the system I am using does not have a Java interface? 特别是,如果我使用的系统没有Java接口,是否可以这样做? It does have a C interface, and it can invoke command line programs. 它确实具有C接口,并且可以调用命令行程序。

For context: I want to interface Fiji with Mathematica . 对于上下文:我想将Fiji与Mathematica进行交互。 Mathematica does have a Java interface but it appears to lack support for some Java 8 features that ImageJ requires . Mathematica确实具有Java接口,但似乎缺乏对ImageJ所需的某些Java 8功能的支持 I also don't know much Java and I am looking for a simple solution that I can set up quickly, rather than a long-term robust solution that requires a high initial investment. 我对Java的了解也不多,我正在寻找一个可以快速设置的简单解决方案,而不是需要大量初始投资的长期可靠解决方案。

If you can't run the ImageJ filters through Java integration, you may be able to write the necessary operations into an .igm macro and then get ImageJ to run it in headless mode. 如果无法通过Java集成运行ImageJ过滤器,则可以将必要的操作写入.igm宏,然后让ImageJ以无头模式运行它。

Otherwise, it may be simpler to port the Java code for the particular filters that you need into a more convenient environment. 否则,将您所需的特定过滤器的Java代码移植到更方便的环境中可能会更简单。 ImageJ is primarily set up for GUI use, and Java/CLI/other integration can get messy very quickly. ImageJ主要是为GUI使用而设置的,并且Java / CLI /其他集成会很快变得混乱。

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