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[英]Kubernetes cluster in private vnet with VPN gateway (Azure)

I've got an existing Azure VNET with a site-to-site VPN gateway to onpremise resources. 我有一个现有的Azure VNET,带有一个用于本地资源的站点到站点VPN网关。 This works fine and VM's in the VNET can access internal resources as well as be exposed to the internet. 这可以正常工作,并且VNET中的VM可以访问内部资源,也可以访问Internet。

I've created a Kubernetes cluster in said VNET and deployed some pods exposed via LoadBalancer. 我已经在上述VNET中创建了一个Kubernetes集群,并部署了一些通过LoadBalancer公开的Pod。

The pods can access internet and they can access both vnet resouces and on-prem resources (good). Pod可以访问Internet,并且可以访问vnet资源和本地资源(良好)。 The pods are reachable from the on-prem network (good). 可以从本地网络访问Pod(良好)。 But the LoadBalancer (even though it states a public IP) is not accessible from the internet. 但是无法从Internet访问LoadBalancer(即使它声明了公共IP)。 I can access it (the public IP of the LB) from within the vnet, just not from internet. 我可以从vnet内部访问它(LB的公共IP),而不能从Internet访问。

I've create an identical cluster, but let it create it's own VNET and there it works fine. 我已经创建了一个相同的群集,但是让它创建自己的VNET,并且可以正常运行。 It's just when I place it in my existing VNET with a VPN gateway I cannot reach them. 只是当我使用VPN网关将其放置在现有的VNET中时,我才无法访问它们。

kubectl get service -o wide
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE       SELECTOR
kubernetes        ClusterIP       <none>          443/TCP        1h        <none>
mail2servicebus   LoadBalancer   xx.xx.xx.xx   25:31459/TCP   1h        app=mail2servicebus

The VNET has peering to another VNET in addition to the VPN gateway if that somehow has anything to do. 如果某种原因,VNET除了VPN网关外,还可以对等到另一个VNET。

This makes no sense, gateway or not doesnt affect external comms (unless you are using express route gateway and advertising through it). 这没有任何意义,无论网关是否生效都不会影响外部通信(除非您使用快速路由网关并通过它通告0.0.0.0/0)。 Only idea that comes to mind - network security group. 想到的唯一想法-网络安全组。 Also, you cannot put vms in the gatewaysubnet this is not supported 此外,您不能将虚拟机放入不支持的gatewaysubnet子网中

Apparently my home ISP is blocking access to the SMTP port (tcp 25) for all addresses except their own smtp server (spam prevention or something like that). 显然,我的家庭ISP阻止了除其自己的smtp服务器(防止垃圾邮件等)之外的所有地址访问SMTP端口(tcp 25)。 So the service is indeed exposed to the internet, it's just me that can't access it. 因此,该服务确实已暴露于Internet,只有我无法访问它。 Worked like a charm when I came to work. 我上班时像魅力一样工作。

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