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[英]How to show Native ads?

I have already implemented admob Reward ads and want to show native ads. 我已经实施了admob奖励广告,并希望展示原生广告。 Really didn't get any useful source and stuck in this problem for 3 days. 确实没有获得任何有用的资源,并且在此问题上停留了3天。 Can any one help me to show native ads please its an emergency issue. 任何人都可以帮助我展示原生广告吗,这是一个紧急问题。

I have tried appodeal also but got so many errors nothing else. 我也尝试过adodeal,但是有很多错误。

Add this to your XML 将此添加到您的XML

<com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView xmlns:ads="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"
    ads:adUnitId="YOUR UNIT ID" />

And this is how you can request for Ads 这就是您可以请求广告的方式

private AdView mAdView;

MobileAds.initialize(this, "Ads Key This is Different from UNIT ID");

mAdView = findViewById(R.id.adView);

AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();


mAdView.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
        public void onAdLoaded() {
            Log.e("Add Listener", "AdLoaded");

        public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode) {
            Log.e("Add Listener", "onAdFailedToLoad" + " - " + errorCode);

        public void onAdOpened() {
            Log.e("Add Listener", "AdOpened");

        public void onAdLeftApplication() {
            Log.e("Add Listener", "AdLeft");

        public void onAdClosed() {
            Log.e("Add Listener", "AdClosed");

what i have done for my app was implementing an imageview on top of all layouts as a framelayout. 我为我的应用所做的工作是在所有布局的顶部实现imageview作为framelayout。 the idea was using glide and a link that goes into the app. 这个想法是使用glide和进入应用程序的链接。 so what you need is two things 所以你需要做两件事

1) a redirect link that goes to a php file on your server and update the destination link (this way you can count clicks on the add) 1)重定向链接,该链接转到服务器上的php文件并更新目标链接(通过这种方式,您可以计算添加的点击次数)

2) an imageview in your app that loads the image from your server and has in contains that redirect link in it's onclick method. 2)应用程序中的imageview从服务器加载图像,并且在onclick方法中包含该重定向链接。

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