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[英]Why import class from another file will call __init__ function?

The structure of the project is: 该项目的结构是:

project 项目
- main.py - main.py
- session.py - session.py
- spider.py - spider.py

There is a class in session.py: session.py中有一个类:

import requests

class Session:

    def __init__(self):
        self.session = requests.Session()
        print('Session created.')

And another class in spider.py: 而spider.py中的另一个类:

from session import Session

class Spider:

    def __init__(self, sess: Session = Session()):
        print('Spider created.')

When I import class Spider from spider.py in main.py like this: 当我从main.py中的spider.py导入类Spider ,如下所示:

from spider import Spider

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print('Main function.')
    spider = Spider()

And run main.py, I get: 并运行main.py,我得到:

Session created. 会话已创建。
Main function. 主功能。
Spider created. 蜘蛛创造了。

It confuses me. 这让我很困惑。 I think __init__ is the initial function used when initializing an instance, but in this case the __init__ function of Session is called when Session is imported in spider.py. 我认为__init__是初始化实例时使用的初始函数,但在这种情况下,当在spider.py中导入SessionSession调用Session__init__函数。 I think it must be related to the default value of __init__ function in spider.py, but why? 我认为它必须与spider.py中__init__函数的默认值相关,但为什么呢?

The default values of parameters get evaluated only once in python. 参数的默认值只在python中计算一次。 This is documented here and also here as stated by JETM . 这是记录在这里 ,并在这里按规定JETM

Therefore a isntance of Session is created when you import spider as default value for the sess parameter of the spiders __init__ method. 因此,当您将spider作为spiders __init__方法的sess参数的默认值导入时, Session创建Session的isntance。

If you do not wish such a behavior you can use None as default value and create the Sesssion instance inside the __init__ method if no other value was provided as pointed out by MatsLindh and FHTMitchel like this: 如果你不希望这样的行为你可以使用None作为默认值,并且如果没有像MatsLindhFHTMitchel所指出的那样提供其他值,则在__init__方法内创建Sesssion实例:

def __init__(self, sess: Session = None):
    if sess is None:
        sess = Session()
    print('Spider created.')

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