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[英]Regex to get text after a specific word?

How to get text inside quote("asd") after value -> "name": like: 如何在value-> "name":之后的quote(“ asd”)中获取文本"name": like:

"name":"John","name":"1-John", "name":"123", "name":"123","name":"A0-0s".

I need to get all inside quote(""): 我需要获取所有内部quote(“”):


You can use the following regex with lookbehind: 您可以将以下正则表达式与lookbehind一起使用:


Demo: https://regex101.com/r/TfkNXE/1 演示: https : //regex101.com/r/TfkNXE/1

You can use the following regex 您可以使用以下正则表达式


Demo at regex 101 regex 101上的演示

The regular expression you can use is: \\"name\\":\\"([a-zA-Z0-9--])+\\" . 您可以使用的正则表达式为: \\"name\\":\\"([a-zA-Z0-9--])+\\" Due to the brackets '()' the required result will be present in the first group of the regex match. 由于方括号(()),所需结果将出现在正则表达式匹配的第一组中。

However in case you have multiple combinations in a single string like the one you had in the example, remember to use find() or search() method and read more about search and match methods . 但是,如果您在单个字符串中有多个组合(例如您在示例中使用的组合),请记住使用find()或search()方法, 并详细了解search和match方法

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