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[英]git-svn merging when branches don't line up

I suspect this may simply be an impedance mismatch between git and svn , but I wanted to ask the SO community for advice. 我怀疑这可能只是gitsvn之间的阻抗不匹配,但我想向SO社区寻求建议。

I am working on a project that uses svn for version control. 我正在使用svn进行版本控制的项目中。 That's not going to change, and I have no control over it. 这不会改变,我对此无能为力。 I've happily been doing my work on my branch using git-svn . 我很高兴一直在使用git-svn在分支上进行工作。 However, I ran into an odd problem related to the strange way the SVN project was set up. 但是,我遇到了一个与SVN项目的建立方式有关的奇怪问题。

In SVN, the project looks like this: 在SVN中,项目如下所示:

  • project root 项目根
    • branches 分行
      • MyBranch MyBranch
        • Dir1 目录1
        • Dir2 目录2
        • etc. 等等
    • trunk 树干
      • Proj_Main Proj_Main
        • Dir1 目录1
        • Dir2 目录2
        • etc. 等等

.git/config: .git / config:

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
    url = http://svn-repo
    fetch = project/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
    branches = project/branches/*:refs/remotes/*
    tags = project/tags/*:refs/remotes/tags/*

When the branches were created, they were created one level below trunk . 创建分支时,它们是在trunk之下的一级创建的。 I had no control over this either. 我也对此无能为力。

When I try to merge from MyBranch to trunk , my tree merges one level up. 当我尝试从MyBranch合并到trunk ,我的树会向上合并一级。 That is, MyBranch/Dir1 has no relationship to trunk/Proj_Main/Dir1 . 也就是说, MyBranch/Dir1 trunk/Proj_Main/Dir1trunk/Proj_Main/Dir1没有关系。 In svn natively, it does understand this relationship, and I can merge using svn tools, but git is lost. svn ,它确实了解这种关系,我可以使用svn工具合并,但是git丢失了。

Is there a way I can tell git that master points to trunk/Proj_Main instead of just trunk ? 有什么办法可以告诉git master指向trunk/Proj_Main而不是trunk

Edit the fetch line to something like: 将提取行编辑为以下内容:

fetch = project/trunk/Proj_Main:refs/remotes/trunk

That should do.... however , I don't know if you will have to fetch again from revision 1 for such a change to work correctly. 那应该可以...。 但是 ,我不知道您是否必须从修订版1再次获取该更改才能正常工作。

@eftshift0 had the right approach. @ eftshift0使用正确的方法。 Sometimes there is no salvaging a bad situation. 有时并没有挽救坏局面。 I made sure everything was sync'd with SVN and started over again. 我确保一切都与SVN同步,然后重新开始。

git svn clone -r<start>:HEAD http://svn-repo/project \
    --prefix=mine/ \
    --trunk=trunk/Proj_Main --branches=branches --tags=tags \

Since this is a very mature SVN repo, and I don't care about history from 5 years ago, I limited the scope of my clone, for the sake of time. 由于这是一个非常成熟的SVN回购,并且我不在乎5年前的历史,因此为了节省时间,我限制了克隆的范围。

The --prefix is based on advice in the git-svn docs . --prefix基于git-svn docs中的建议

Rather than -s or --stdlayout , I explicitly specified how things were laid out in SVN. 我没有指定-s--stdlayout ,而是明确指定了如何在SVN中进行布局。 Note that early attempts to apply this approach encountered a git-svn bug fetching, probably related to a deleted SVN branch. 请注意,早期尝试使用此方法的尝试遇到了git-svn错误获取,可能与已删除的SVN分支有关。 That's another reason for limiting the scope of the fetch. 这是限制获取范围的另一个原因。

The --no-minimize-url is due to the fact that other repos exist at the server. --no-minimize-url是由于服务器上存在其他存储库而导致的。 Without this switch, git-svn pushes up a level and considers all the repos in trying to resolve branches, merges, and such. 没有此开关,git-svn会提升级别并在尝试解析分支,合并等时考虑所有回购协议。 That was not a good thing for me. 对我来说那不是好事。

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