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Luis MS Bot Framework - 对 Luis 错误解释为 Intent 的提示的响应

[英]Luis MS Bot Framework - Response to prompt wrongly interpreted by Luis as Intent

I am creating a chatbot using Microsoft Bot Framework V4 with C#.我正在使用 Microsoft Bot Framework V4 和 C# 创建一个聊天机器人。 I have also added a LUIS service in my chatbot.我还在我的聊天机器人中添加了一个 LUIS 服务。 There is a dialog flow using waterfall, which prompts users for few inputs eg.有一个使用瀑布的对话流,它提示用户输入很少的内容,例如。 Date, Location, number of people etc.日期、地点、人数等。

The problem is that when the user replies suppose "Chicago" to Location, Luis calculates its intent and it comes to Cancel or None.问题在于,当用户对 Location 回复假设为“Chicago”时,Luis 会计算其意图,然后是“取消”或“无”。 Please let me know how to handle this situation.请让我知道如何处理这种情况。


please share some more details of your code with us so that we can provide correct guidance.请与我们分享您的代码的更多详细信息,以便我们提供正确的指导。 In your case I would suggest you to use a form flow dialog in your waterflow instead of a prompt dialog so that you can collect the data in one go and then make the LUIS call在您的情况下,我建议您在水流中使用表单流对话框而不是提示对话框,以便您可以一次性收集数据,然后进行 LUIS 调用

Is "Chicago" an intent or entity? “芝加哥”是意图还是实体? If it's an entity (and it probably should be part of a location entity) that's normal.如果它是一个实体(它可能应该是位置实体的一部分),那是正常的。 You just need to check for a location entity first.您只需要先检查位置实体。 If you have an interrupt method that is getting called first, what I do is make the interrupt check for None or Cancel intents with zero entities given.如果您有一个首先被调用的中断方法,我所做的就是在给定实体的情况下对 None 或 Cancel 意图进行中断检查。

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