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Access Is Denied错误将程序包推送到我的Azure Devops工件nuget feed中

[英]Access Is Denied error pushing package into my azure devops artifacts nuget feed

In my question here I managed to push one package to my feed, however I now get an Access is denied error. 这里的问题中,我设法将一个程序包推送到提要中,但是现在出现“访问被拒绝”错误。

According to this question I should be prompted for user name and password. 根据这个问题 ,应该提示我输入用户名和密码。 This did occur for the package I managed to push, but it no longer occurs. 我设法推送的软件包确实发生了这种情况,但不再发生。

What do I need to do? 我需要做什么?

Studying the docs 学习文档

this issue on Git is relevant 这个关于Git的问题是相关的

[Update] [更新]

Something strange has happened to my folder. 我的文件夹发生了奇怪的事情。 I get the error if I just type Nuget at the dos prompt. 如果我在dos提示符下键入Nuget,则会收到错误消息。 If I create a new folder and extract nugetcredentialprovider.zip into it, then run Nuget I don't get the error 如果我创建一个新文件夹并将nugetcredentialprovider.zip解压缩到其中,则运行Nuget我不会收到错误

the cli reference cli参考

push reference 推送参考

configuring nuget behaviour 配置nuget行为

Starting over again with a new installation of credentialsprovider solved the problem. 重新安装新的凭据提供程序可以解决此问题。

I accidentally cause the problem again by pasting in a command that started with the directory name 我意外地通过粘贴以目录名称开头的命令再次导致该问题

(a cut and paste boo booo) (剪切并粘贴嘘声)


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