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JMS应用程序无法刷新与ibm mq的连接

[英]Jms app could not refesh connection with ibm mq

I have Ibm mq server and i trying to connect to to it from my application. 我有Ibm mq服务器,我试图从我的应用程序连接到它。 My application is deployed on the websphere 8.5.5 Im using to connect to ibm mq server ibm implementation (MQQueueConnectionFactory) with spring (JmsTemplate). 我的应用程序已部署在Websphere 8.5.5 Im上,用于使用spring(JmsTemplate)连接到ibm mq服务器ibm实现(MQQueueConnectionFactory)。

When I deploy it on tomcat and i am trying to connect to remote ibm mq server - there is no problem . 当我将其部署在tomcat上并且尝试连接到远程ibm mq服务器时-没问题。 I can sand and receive information form queue, but when i deploy application on websphere i have this exception: 我可以打磨并接收表单队列中的信息,但是当我在Websphere上部署应用程序时,会遇到以下异常:

[1395,maxpri=10]] c.c.b.o.s.impl.StandardSequencer : [ - default - ] Server 1,001 has acquired/renewed the lock on sequencer 1,001. [sequencer:169] [Object=null, Object=null, Object=null, userid=null, uuid=null]

[10/12/18 10:15:59:977 UTC] 000062ea SystemOut O 2018-10-12 10:15:59.977 ERROR 774 --- [enerContainer-1] o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer : Could not refresh JMS Connection for destination 'QUeueTest' - retrying using FixedBackOff{interval=5000, currentAttempts=70, maxAttempts=unlimited}. Cause: JMSFMQ6312: An exception occurred in the Java(tm) MQI.; nested exception is com.ibm.mq.jmqi.JmqiException: CC=2;RC=2195;AMQ9546: Error return code received. [1=java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException[null],3=GeneratedConstructorAccessor678.newInstance]

I think that the problematic part are lbires but i have know idea how to fix it. 我认为有问题的部分是重磅炸弹,但我知道如何解决它。 So I want to use activemq implementation as a client to connect to ibm mq server. 因此,我想使用activemq实现作为客户端来连接到ibm mq服务器。 It is possible ? 有可能的 ? Thank You for any answer. 谢谢您的回答。

I resolved this problem . 我解决了这个问题。

The application was deployed on websphere server . 该应用程序已部署在Websphere服务器上。 I deployed it with all jar without scope provided. 我部署了所有jar,但未提供范围。 It was mistake . 这是错误的。 When app is on server needs only wmq.jmsra jars. 当应用程序在服务器上时,仅需要wmq.jmsra jars。






    <!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.ibm.mq/wmq.jmsra -->








Thank You for help. 谢谢你的帮助。

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