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[英]download a url file with javascript istead of opening the file

I want to download a file from the server using javascript/jquery. 我想使用javascript / jquery从服务器下载文件。

When press the button the server response with an url file that i want to download. 当按下按钮时,服务器将响应我要下载的url文件。

the button: 按钮:

<a class="btn btn-primary" id="exportInvoice">Export XML</a>

the ajax request: ajax请求:

$('#exportInvoice').on('click', function () {                
           type: 'POST',
           dataType: 'json',
           url: '{{ route('export-xml') }}',
           data: {dateRange: dateRange},
           success: function (resp) {                        
                    // error
                } else {
                    // success

I am using laravel 5.7 blade to generate the url. 我正在使用laravel 5.7刀片来生成URL。

When i click the button the file will open instead of download (because of the window.location=resp.url; 当我单击按钮时,文件将打开而不是下载(由于window.location = resp.url;

I was thinking... after the ajax call is made (when success response).... setting the download attribute and href to the link.... but then i need to call again the click event to download the file. 我在想...进行ajax调用后(成功响应时)....将download属性和href设置为链接....但是我需要再次调用click事件以下载文件。

How can i download the file istead of opening??? 我如何下载文件而不是打开???

window.location.href = resp.url


creating a hidden form for download the file works: 创建用于下载文件的隐藏表单的工作原理是:

The hidden form: 隐藏形式:

<form id="downloadXmlForm" method="post" action="{{ route('download-xml-invoices') }}" style="display: none">
     <input type="hidden" name="xmlFileName">
     <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Export XML</button>
     ({ csrf_field() }}

After receiving from ajax request (on success) => submit the form to download the file: 从ajax请求收到(成功后)=>提交表单以下载文件:


On the backend the response for the ajax request is: 在后端,ajax请求的响应为:

$fileName = uniqid().'.xml';
$xmlFilePath = storage_path('invoices/'.$fileName);
file_put_contents($xmlFilePath, $xmlString);

return response()->json(['error' => false, 'msg' => $message, 'fileName' => $fileName]);

The download function that is call on form submit: 调用表单提交的下载功能:

public function downloadInvoicesXml(Request $request){
    return response()->download( storage_path('invoices/'.$request->input('xmlFileName')));

If anyone have any better idea, please tell me :) 如果有人有更好的主意,请告诉我:)

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