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[英]How to write NUL to all log files in a folder using windows command line

I have multiple log files that start as ABC_.log in a windows environment. 我有多个在Windows环境中以ABC_.log开头的日志文件。 I want to clean that file (like writing /dev/null to file in linux). 我想清理该文件(例如在Linux中将/ dev / null写入文件)。 I need to do it through command line. 我需要通过命令行来完成。

What I tried: 我试过的

cmd:$ break > ABC_*.log


cmd:$ type NUL > ABC_*.log

Error: 错误:

 The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

this can't be done via wildcard (not possible to redirect to more than one file at a time). 无法通过通配符完成此操作(无法一次重定向到多个文件)。 Use a for loop to process each file on it's own: 使用for循环自行处理每个文件:

for %%a in (ABC_*.log) do (

or directly on command line: 或直接在命令行上:

 for %a in (ABC_*.log) do  break>"%a"

The easiest way to empty a file in UNIX/Linux: 在UNIX / Linux中清空文件的最简单方法是:

rm <filename>
touch <filename>


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