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[英]MongoDB query for value in field with regex using Java

I am trying to query from my collection of documents which looks like: 我正在尝试从我的文档集合中查询:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("94"), "EmailAddress" :"adam@gmail.com","Interests": "CZ1001,CE2004" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("44"), "EmailAddress" :"ben@gmail.com", "Interests":"CE1001,CE4002" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("54"), "EmailAddress" :"chris@gmail.com","Interests":"CE1001,CE2002" }

An example is that i want to retrieve the email addresses, given that the field "Interests" has that value i am looking for. 一个示例是,由于字段“ Interests”具有我要查找的值,因此我想检索电子邮件地址。

Example if i search CZ1001, i will get back Obj 1 EmailAddress details. 例如,如果我搜索CZ1001,我将获得Obj 1 EmailAddress详细信息。

If i search CE1001, i will get back Obj 2 and Obj 3 EmailAddress details. 如果我搜索CE1001,我将获得Obj 2和Obj 3 EmailAddress的详细信息。

The object id are uniquely created when i inserted records at the start if that helps. 如果有帮助,当我在开始时插入记录时,对象ID是唯一创建的。

I am able to get the objects on MongoDB Shell using 我可以使用以下方法在MongoDB Shell上获取对象

db.users.find(Module: {"$regex": "CE1001"}})

Only the email addresses are needed. 只需要电子邮件地址。

I am trying to get all the email addresses and got stuck at this code. 我试图获取所有电子邮件地址,并被卡​​在此代码中。

Document doc = (Document) collection.find(new BasicDBObject("Module", {"$regex":"CE1001"})) .projection(Projections.fields(Projections.include("EmailAddress"), Projections.excludeId())).first(); 

Where new BasicDBObject("Module", {"$regex":"CE1001"}) is not allowed. new BasicDBObject("Module", {"$regex":"CE1001"})

new BasicDBObject("Module", String_variable) is allowed 允许使用new BasicDBObject("Module", String_variable)

For a particular Interest , your mongoDB query would look like(taking CE1001 as an example): 对于特定的Interest ,您的mongoDB查询看起来像(以CE1001为例):

  $or: [
      Interests: {
        $regex: "^CE1001,"
      Interests: {
        $regex: ",CE1001,"
      Interests: {
        $regex: ",CE1001$"
  "EmailAddress": 1

For others who happens to drop by this post. 对于碰巧不喜欢此帖子的其他人。 Below are the working codes. 以下是工作代码。 Credits to @Veeram. 致谢@Veeram。

FindIterable <Document> results = collection.find(new BasicDBObject("Module", new BasicDBObject("$regex", "CE1001")) .projection(Projections.fields(Projections.include("EmailAddress"), Projections.excludeId()));

for(Document doc : results) {

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