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[英]How to put integer literals into Room query?

Is it possible to put integer literals into Room query? 是否可以将整数文字输入到Room查询中? Following query leads to build error: 以下查询导致构建错误:

@Query("UPDATE topics SET unreadCount=0 WHERE id=:chatId")
fun resetUnreadCount(chatId: Long)

I have tried several options (including RawQuery ) and came to an option of passing Int argument with default value: 我尝试了几个选项(包括RawQuery ),并选择了将Int参数传递为默认值的选项:

@Query("UPDATE chats SET unreadCount=:ZERO WHERE id=:chatId")
fun resetUnreadCount(chatId: Long, ZERO: Int = 0) // hacky way to pass int literal into the query

Is there a normal way to do that? 有正常的方法吗?

Please check this documentation. 请检查此文档。

https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html . https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html Look in section 3.4, it talks about coumn affinity behviour 参见第3.4节,它讨论了列亲和力行为


This should also work 这也应该工作

@Query("UPDATE topics SET unreadCount='0' WHERE id=:chatId")

First query has a different Entity class 'topics' 第一个查询具有不同的实体类“主题”

@Query("UPDATE topics SET unreadCount=0 WHERE id=:chatId")

Should it be chats too? 也应该聊天吗? as the below query is working. 由于以下查询正在工作。 integer in the query is fine. 查询中的整数很好。

@Query("UPDATE chats SET unreadCount=:ZERO WHERE id=:chatId")

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