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如何在Red Hat Linux Shell脚本中获取指定用户的桌面文件夹

[英]How to get desktop folder of specified user in red hat Linux shell script

For installation purposes I need to locate desktop folders of all Linux with Qvwm users on current machine. 出于安装目的,我需要在当前计算机上找到Qvwm用户所在的所有Linux的桌面文件夹。

I have the following script: 我有以下脚本:

HOMES=`getent passwd | cut -d: -f6`
find $HOMES -maxdepth 3 -name "Desktop" -exec cp $SHORTCUT {} \;

But I understood that user desktop folder may differ from "Desktop". 但是我知道用户桌面文件夹可能不同于“桌面”。

The question is: how I can determine the correct path to desktop folder of all/specified user in system. 问题是:如何确定系统中所有/指定用户的桌面文件夹的正确路径。

Thanks for you suggestions.. 感谢您的建议。

For any desktop environment following the XDG Base Directory Specification and compatible with the xdg-user-dirs reference implementation , this might look as follows: 对于遵循XDG基本目录规范并与xdg-user-dirs参考实现兼容的任何桌面环境,它可能如下所示:

sudo -u "$user" -i bash -l <<'EOF'
  [[ -s $user_dirs_file ]] && . "$user_dirs_file"
  printf '%s\n' "${XDG_DESKTOP_DIR:-$HOME/Desktop}"
  • If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set by the user's dotfiles, the configuration file specifying the location of their home directory will be set in the directory thus named; 如果用户的点文件设置了XDG_CONFIG_HOME ,则指定其主目录位置的配置文件将设置在这样命名的目录中; otherwise, the file exists in ~user/.config . 否则,该文件存在于~user/.config
  • If $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs exists and contains an assignment to XDG_DESKTOP_DIR , the result of that assignment shall be used as the user's desktop directory. 如果$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/user-dirs.dirs存在并且包含对XDG_DESKTOP_DIR的分配,则该分配的结果将用作用户的桌面目录。
  • If no such file exists, or no such assignment exists, the desktop directory shall be $HOME/Desktop . 如果不存在这样的文件,或者不存在这样的分配,则桌面目录应为$HOME/Desktop

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