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[英]Filter json values regardless of keys in PostgreSQL

I have a table called diary which includes columns listed below: 我有一个称为diary的表,其中包含以下列出的列:

| id | user_id | custom_foods       |
| 1  | 1       | {"56": 2, "42": 0} |
| 2  | 1       | {"19861": 1}       |
| 3  | 2       | {}                 |
| 4  | 3       | {"331": 0}         |

I would like to count how many diaries having custom_foods value(s) larger than 0 each user have. 我想计算每个用户有多少custom_foods值大于0的日记。 I don't care about the keys, since the keys can be any number in string. 我不在乎键,因为键可以是字符串中的任何数字。

The desired output is: 所需的输出是:

| user_id | count   |
| 1       | 2       |
| 2       | 0       |
| 3       | 0       |

I started with: 我开始于:

select *
from diary as d
join json_each_text(d.custom_foods) as e
on d.custom_foods != '{}'
where e.value > 0

I don't even know whether the syntax is correct. 我什至不知道语法是否正确。 Now I am getting the error: 现在我得到了错误:

ERROR: function json_each_text(text) does not exist 错误:函数json_each_text(text)不存在
LINE 3: join json_each_text(d.custom_foods) as e 第3行:以e身份加入json_each_text(d.custom_foods)

HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. 提示:没有函数匹配给定的名称和参数类型。 You might need to add explicit type casts. 您可能需要添加显式类型转换。

My using version is: psql (10.5 (Ubuntu 10.5-1.pgdg14.04+1), server 9.4.19). 我使用的版本是:psql(10.5(Ubuntu 10.5-1.pgdg14.04 + 1),服务器9.4.19)。 According to PostgreSQL 9.4.19 Documentation , that function should exist. 根据PostgreSQL 9.4.19 Documentation ,该功能应该存在。 I am so confused that I don't know how to proceed now. 我很困惑,我现在不知道该如何进行。

Threads that I referred to: 我提到的线程:

Your custom_foods column is defined as text, so you should cast it to json before applying json_each_text . 您的custom_foods列定义为text,因此您应在应用json_each_text之前将其json_each_text为json。 As json_each_text by default does not consider empty jsons, you may get the count as 0 for empty jsons from a separate CTE and do a UNION ALL 由于默认情况下json_each_text不考虑空json,因此您可以从单独的CTE中将空json的计数计为0,然后执行UNION ALL

WITH empty AS
  ( SELECT DISTINCT user_id,
                    0 AS COUNT
   FROM diary
   WHERE custom_foods = '{}' )
SELECT user_id,
                 WHEN VALUE::int > 0 THEN 1
FROM diary d,
GROUP BY user_id
FROM empty
ORDER BY user_id;

Demo 演示

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