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[英]How do I add and manipulate the values inside my pie chart?

I'm using http://d3pie.org/ to generate a pie chart for my web application. 我正在使用http://d3pie.org/为我的Web应用程序生成一个饼图。 Now, I want to manipulate the value appearing on my chart. 现在,我想操纵图表上显示的值。 Currently, the values appearing have more than 4 decimals. 当前,显示的值有超过4个小数。 For example, 10.35234234234 . 例如,10.35234234234。 I just want 10.3523 to appear. 我只希望出现10.3523。

Here's my current code: 这是我当前的代码:

function drawPie(id,from,to,C,formula){
    var subArray = getSubArray(C.table,from,to);
        var partials = createPartials(subArray, C.attributes);
        //console.log("partials -> ",partials);

        formula = formula.slice(1,-1);
        //console.log("formula ->" , formula);
        formula = formula.split(",");
        //console.log("formula ->" , formula);
        var cloneFormula = formula.slice(); 

        for( var i in partials){
            if(i.substr(0,1) == "$"){
                for(var j = 0; j< formula.length; j++){
                    formula[j] = replaceFunction(i,formula[j],partials[i]);



        //console.log("replaced formula ->" , formula);

        var data = [];

        var isEmpty = true;
        for(var j = 0; j< formula.length; j++){
            var label = cloneFormula[j].split(/(?=[-+*\/])/)[0].split(".")[1];
            var temp = {};
                temp.value = eval(formula[j]);
                temp.value = 0;
            temp.label = partials[label + ".name"];
            temp.color = partials[label + ".color"];
            if(temp.value != 0){
                isEmpty = false;

            return true;

        //console.log("data ->" , data);

        var pie = new d3pie(id, {
            "size": {
                "canvasHeight": 400,
                "canvasWidth": 800, //see defect 1418
                "pieOuterRadius": "88%"
            "data": {
                "content": data
            "labels": {
                "outer": {
                    "pieDistance": 100
                "inner": {
                    "format": "value"
                "mainLabel": {
                    "font": "verdana"
                "percentage": {
                    "color": "#e1e1e1",
                    "font": "verdana",
                    "decimalPlaces": 0
                "value": {
                    "color": "#e1e1e1",
                    "font": "verdana"
                "lines": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "color": "#cccccc"
                "truncation": {
                    "enabled": true
            "effects": {
                "pullOutSegmentOnClick": {
                    "effect": "linear",
                    "speed": 400,
                    "size": 8
        return false;

    return true;

Can you help me try to modify the texts appearing inside my pie chart? 您能帮我尝试修改饼图中显示的文本吗?

use the following to strip the number and then round it. 使用以下内容去除数字,然后四舍五入。

function strip(number) {
    return (parseFloat(number).toPrecision(4));


 var number = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 function strip(number) { return (parseFloat(number).toPrecision(6)); } window.alert(strip(number)); 

For the generator you are using, go to the labels section, and under the label styles / Settings you will find the option for decimal places for percentage values. 对于您使用的生成器,请转到标签部分,然后在标签样式/设置下找到百分比值的小数位选项。 Enter the number of decimal places you would like to limit the labels to. 输入您想将标签限制到的小数位数。

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